Chapter One
The Start
A dream that seemed to never end. It was always the same dream. There was a battle between two armies. The ground was stained with blood and bodies. The leader of one army was down on their knees, beaten and bloodied. As the leader looked up, a being with crimson eyes looked down upon them. The being raised their sword up above their head. The being smiled at her with a grin of evil.
"We win." said the being. The being brought their sword down on them. Then the girl jolted out of bed, clinging to the sheets. She breathed heavily as she started to realize that she wasn't in the dream anymore. She released her grip from the sheets and placed her right hand on her face.
"Again. What is it with that dream?" she said. Beside her bed, her alarm clock started to ring. She quickly turned off the alarm and hurried out of bed. "Oh no! I'm late!" She quickly got on her school uniform and hurried to the mirror. She brushed light golden blonde hair that reached down to her shoulders. She tucked her hair behind her slightly pointed ears. In her reflection, she light sky blue eyes shined through her pale complexion. She rushed out her room and down the stairs to the door. She rushed out the door and towards the school. She ran past a few other late students as she hurried to school. As she got to the gate, she made a sharp turn into the building. She burst through the front door and up two flights of stairs. As she reached her classroom, she heard the late bell ring. She opned the door to the classroom and rushed to her seat. She breathed a sigh of relief as she across her chair.
"I made it and just in time." she said. One of the students laughed a little and looked at the ground.
"Good grief, Shirin. You almost didn't make it this time." said the student. She looked at the student and smiled.
"I noticed." she replied. She looked up and see the teacher walked into the class. As the teacher walked in, all the other students hurried into their seats.
"Class, time to settle down. Now then, take out your books and turn to page one hundred seventy-five." said the teacher. All the students started to take their books and flipping through the pages. Shirin pulled her book and started to flip to the page. During the entire time in class, Shirin was spacing out about the dream she had. What is it with that dream? It's always the same. Oh well, it's just dream. Nothing more, she thought. Soon the lunch bell rang and everyone left for lunch. She gathered her textbooks in her arms. She stood up from her seat and headed out of the classroom. She made her way to her locker, her eyes to the ground. Unknowillingly, she bumped into someone dropping her books.
"Are you okay, Miss Virendra?" said the voice. She looked up to see a boy standing there. This wasn't just any boy in front of her. It was Yuuta Chevalier, the most popular boy in the entire school. His hair was light lavender that complemented his royal purple eyes. He smiled at her slightly as he looked down on her.
"Yeah I'm okay." she muttered. Shirin kneeled down and gathered her books back into her arms. Yuuta picked up one of the books and handed it to her.
"Here." he said. She took the book from his hand and stood up.
"Thank you. Excuse me." she said. She walked past him and hurried to her locker. She unlocked her locker and placed her morning books away. She closed her locker and headed to the lunch stalls. She purchased two sandwichs from one of the stalls. She headed for a shaded spot under the trees and sat down. She unwrapped the wrapping of one of the sandwichs and started to eat. She looked up to see Yuuta and his three friends passing by. His three friends were also very popular and were hardly ever away from Yuuta's side. His friends were Felix Sumner, Kenji Shuusuke, and Olin Yajamana. Felix has pure white hair and deep blue eyes. He is always hyper and quite the clown. Kenji has teal hair and light red eyes. He is usaully quite and tends to give people a glare of death when they talk to him. Olin has blonde hair and dark violet eyes. He is a kind person but then there is his spilt personality that is like the devil. She watched them pass by her, laughing and carrying on. She stared at them in a daze. She had a sense of déjà vu as she watched them.
"Where have I seen that before?" she asked herself. She shook her head and continued her lunch. "Oh well. I might have seen them like that throughout the school year." She finished her lunch and headed back into the school before the bell rang. But just as she left, a creature appeared in the spot she sat. The creature stared at Shirin with it's solid white eyes and an evil grin across it.
After the final bell rang out, all the students started to head home for the day. Shirin gathered her books and headed to her locker. She grabbed her books and placed them in her bag. As she locked her locker door, she heard a strange sound. She looked around the hallway and saw nothing.
"I must be hearing things." she said. She slung her backpack of her shoulder and started walking down the hallway. As she walked down the hallway, she heard footsteps following her. She turned around and saw nothing there. She turned back around and started to walk. The footsteps started to follow her again. She turned back around and saw nothing again. "That's weird." She turned back around and walked a little faster. As she walked faster, the footsteps picked up pace. She hurried down one of the set of stairs and stopped at the bottom. The footsteps stopped half way down the stairs. She eased into her bag and pulled out a make-up mirror. She took the mirror aimed at it at the stairs behind her. Her eyes widen as she stared at the reflection. In the reflection of the mirror, she man with long black hair behind her. But what scared her the most was the large horns coming out of his head and his solid white eyes. In the reflection, the man grinned at her. She dropped the mirror and started to run away. The man pursued her as she ran for her life. She turned down one of the hallways and ran into a nearby room. The room was the chemistry lab that she ran into. She quickly hid under the teacher's desk as the man's footsteps came closer. She listened closely as the man's footsteps stop in front of the door. She heard the man's voice as he entered the room.
"Where could you be, little girl? Not that I don't mind you hiding. A demon like me loves playing hide-in-seek while were hunting our prey." said the demon. Shirin gasped at the demon's statement. She covered her mouth but the damage was done. The demon smiled and walked over to the desk. He walked behind the desk and stopped in front of Shirin. He lend over and looked at Shirin with his white eyes. "Found you." He grabbed her by the throat and pulled out from under the desk. He slammed her againist the chalkboard tightening his grip on her throat. Shirin gasped for air as she struggled to breathe. "Too bad. I guess you lose, little girl." He tightened down on her throat as he smiled at her. Shirin's face showed that she was in pain as she tried to free herself. She looked over and saw one of the erasers for the chalkboard. She grabbed the eraser and flung into his eyes. The demon howled in shock and pain and let go of Shirin. She quickly got to her feet and was gasping for breath. The demon whirled around and slashed her left shoulder with his sharp nails. She ran out of the chemistry lab and down the hallway leaving the demon there. The demon rubbed the dust out of his eyes and growled in anger. "Now have done it. You damn b***h." Shirin ran outside and ran to the school gates. The gates were locked and impossible to scale in time. She looked around frantically for a place to hide. She saw the gym and ran to it as fast as she could. She tripped over halfway there, scraping up her hands and knees. She got back up and hurried into the gym. She burst through the gym doors and quickly shut them back locking them shut. She backed away from the door and looked for a place to hide in the gym. There was no place for her to hide. Shirin was on the verge of tears as she looked around.
"What do I do now?" she said. She heard the doorknob rattle and looked at the door. From beyond the door she heard the demon's voice.
"Locking the door won't help you." said the demon. The demon broke the door down and stepped into the gym looking at Shirin. "No where to run now. You're good as dead, you little b***h." The demon conjured up a black flame in his hand. Shirin ran from the demon until she reached the back wall. She turned to look at the demon with her back againist the wall. The demon grinned at her as the flame grew larger in his hand. "Die!" He threw the flame straight at Shirin. She closed her eyes and turned her head away from him. She heard something clash with the fire as it grew close to her. With her eyes closed, she heard the demon shout. "It can't be! You little b*****d!" She slowly opened her eyes and turned her head back around to a shock. Yuuta was standing in front of her with a sword in hand. Yuuta looked back at her and smiled at her gently.
"Are you okay, Miss Virendra?" he asked. The demon growled at them in pure rage.
"Die, you bastards!!" screamed the demon. The demon conjured up another black flame and threw at them. A sudden voice spoke out.
"Freeze." said a voice. The room grew cold, extinguishing the flame in its tracks. Kenji was standing in the room nearby. Felix and Olin rushed over Shirin and Yuuta. Felix stood between Shirin and Yuuta.
"Come Yuu. Let's get this mean demon!" said Felix. From Felix's shoulder, small creature jumped off went in front of them. The little creature had three red eyes and a blondish white fur. The little creature's eyes started to glow and it grew in size. Soon it was the size of large tiger and it had fangs protruding out it's mouth. The creature roared at the demon as Yuuta stepped forward sword in hand. The demon took a step back away from them. He laughed at them and grinned.
"You think you can stop me? I will kill that girl!" the demon boasted. The demon charged at them with black flames surrounding him. The creature leapt forward and pounced on top of the demon tearing at his arm. The demon howled in pain and fought to get the creature of him. Yuuta walked over and held the sword just over the demon. The gentle look on Yuuta's face to turned cold and menacing.
"Why did you target Miss Virendra?" questioned Yuuta. The demon remained silent as his looked at the sword pointed at his face. "You better answer me. I am not a patient man." The demon snickered at them and looked at them.
"My Master order me to. Even if I fail, more will come to slay her. Long live the rein of Malum!" shouted the demon. The demon laughed at Yuuta just before he stabbed the demon in the head. Olin took and covered Shirin's eyes just before it happened. She could hear Yuuta's voice even though she couldn't see him.
"Olin, take Miss Virendra out and tend to her injuries please." said Yuuta. Olin helped Shirin up and lead her out the gym. Once they were outside, Olin lead her over to a tree and sat her down on the ground. He removed his hand from her eyes and looked at her injuries. His hands started to glow in a warm light. He grabbed her hands and turned the palms of her hands towards him. He hovered his hands over hers as the light glowed brighter.When he removed his hands, the scratches on her hands were gone. He repeated this process on her knees and her left shoulder. After Olin was done healing her, Yuuta, Felix and Kenji came out of the gym and walked over to them. Olin stood up and looked at Yuuta.
"She's healed. You've take care of the mess?" asked Olin. Yuuta nodded to him and smiled.
"Yes. No one will know the difference." he said. Shirin looked up at Yuuta and simply stared. She didn't know what to think about what had happened. Yuuta looked at her and smiled gently. "I know you want some answers don't you." Shirin nodded her head at him. "I promise you will get your answers. But for now, you must wait a little bit." He held his hand out to her and smiled. "Now let's escort you home." Shirin reached out and took his hand. She stood up and looked at Yuuta. She was going to speak when Yuuta shook his head. "Tommorrow is the weekend. We will come to pick you up. Then you will get your answers, okay?" Shirin looked down from him.
"Okay." she muttered. Yuuta looked over at Felix, Kenji and Olin. They nodded at they started to make there way off the school grounds. Yuuta lead Shirin off the grounds and back to her house. Once they reached Shirin's house, Yuuta let go of her hand and smiled at her.
"We will be over at noon." he said. He turned and walked just a little bit from her house. He then turned back and smiled. "You get some rest. Good night." He turned and walked down the street out of sight. Shirin walked into the house and locked the door. She walked up the stairs and got a shower. After changing into her pajamas, she flopped onto her bed with her face in the pillow. All the events of the night kept replaying in her head over and over again.
"How I am going to sleep with all that has happened?" she asked herself. She turned her head and looked out the window in her room. "I might as well try." She crawled underneth the sheets and closed her eyes and fell asleep after a long time.
In some place far away, the crimson eyed creature sat in a chair within a grand room. Four people were scattered throughout the room. One person stood up with a knife in hand.
"It seems that demon you sent out has been killed." said the person with the knife. The crimson eyed creature looked up at the person and rest its head on its arm.
"Is that so?" asked the creature. One person with a gun looked at the person with the knife.
"Who killed him?" asked the person with a gun. The person with the knife looked at the person with the gun.
"Fortis had sufaced to protect the girl you want to kill. I believe that the girl is what you thought." he said. Another person with a scythe over their shoulder laughed at them.
"That demon was an amateur. He wouldn't have got it done even if Fortis didn't show up." the person said with a laugh. The crimson eyed creature chuckled at the person with the scythe.
"So true." said the creature. The final person holding a ball joint doll in their hand spoke up.
"What will you do, Master?" asked the person with the doll. The crimson eyed creature stood up and walked over to the person with the knife.
"For now, send out a smarter demon. If that one is slain, then we will get serious. Understood?" said the creature. The four people nodded their heads at the crimson eyed creature. The creature walked back up to it's chair and sat back down. It rested its head back on its arm. "What will you do now, Shirin Virendra, leader of Fortis?"
- by MadamePockieh |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/26/2012 |
- Skip

- Title: Battle of Eternity Ch 1
- Artist: MadamePockieh
- Description: The first chapter of my story Battle of Eternity. Once I am done proofreading the other chapters, I'll have them up. Tell me what you think of it. If there is anything you don't like or like to see done in future chapters, let me know. I will listen to everything you say.
- Date: 04/26/2012
- Tags: battle eternity
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