• September 7th.
    7:36 am.

    My name is Mikayla Clarisse. Today is the first day of school. The fact that today is another start of a whole new year, is a big thing. You have to look all pretty and alright for the first day. Only because you see all your friends again and you want them to see your “New” self. Not just that, what if there’s some newbie that happens to be really cute. Unfortunately I don’t get to wear those super bright t-shirts and skinny jeans because my school has to wear dress code. I really don’t get it. What is up with dress code? It’s basically navy blue and white. No logo’s bigger than a coin and no patterns such as polka dots, stripes etc. Why can’t they just to uniform if there’s going to be so much rules anyways. Today’s a pretty nice day so I decide to wear a white polo with a navy cardigan and a navy skirt. With white socks. Jeeez. Aren’t I a school girl. LOL Whatever. I go on the school bus knowing what time to arrive at the stop. I’ve been going to this school since kindergarten so I know everything. Well mostly everything. I might not be a genius but I’m fairly smart. I got accepted to the gifted program.. NO. not the special retarded one. It’s a program where I go to a different school once a week and do different things. Like more projects, math challenge, and many other activities you don’t usually do in a normal class. How did I get in this program you ask? Well there was this huge test in grade4 and I somehow aced it. It was one of those tests that tests you on everything. I got a 98 or something. They said I got a really high mark for a 4th grader. Well enough about that, as I step inside the school bus I see that same guy I’ve been seeing since kindergarten. He lives in the apartment across the street. Right beside the park to be exact. His name is Lucas. I use to like him even though he’s a 8th grader. Does age really matter? The bus comes exactly at 8:10 so I have to be by the stop at 8. I never really thought to like Jacob… The fact he already has a girlfriend. Y’KNOW WHAT?! I’ve realized.. every single guy I’ve liked becomes taken. I’m not lying. I like Alan and then he got taken on V-day. I liked this other 8th grader and then he happens to ask out this girl a week after. I liked this other guy too because I saw him in a dream of mine, and I thought he was a soul mate or something. I guess I’m just weird. BUT NOW. JUST YESTERDAY, HE GETS ASKED OUT BY THIS STUPID GIRL. Ugh. It pisses me off. Why Does this always happen?
    Arriving At School
    I arrive at school and damn, it was hot. All these people crowded. New students, and familiar faces. I search desperately for my friends so it doesn’t seem like I’m a total loner in front of any newbies. Once I found my friends I totally scream in excitement. Seeing their faces and how much they’ve changed through the summer vacation. We all look for our class together. I see my classmates and the only best friend I have in my class is Maria. She’s supportive and a total smarty pants. But she’s really shy and we don’t really have the same friends. Just each other. She’s the most funniest person ever. She’ll make you laugh even though she’s not trying. We go to class together. We see our new classmates but disappointingly there aren’t any newbies in my class 
    The Start of class
    The P.A system goes on and the national anthem goes on. Unfortunately I didn’t sing. I’m just not in the mood. WE do prayer and then sit down. The principal then starts off with announcements.
    “Good Morning students to a start of a new school year… First of all I’d like to welcome any new teachers and students to the school. Everyone is going to receive a copy of the monthly newsletter. We have updated rules, calendars and upcoming events.”
    Blah blah blah. I didn’t really care. I wasn’t paying attention till it go to this.
    “We have a dance audition for the School’s DanceGroup. Intermediate’s only. In the auditorium at 11:30. I know this is early but we need our group till the kick-off assembly in 2 weeks”
    I definitely had to go. I’m beast at dance and I know it. I have a loud voice and I’m very bright and energetic. I’ve been in the dance group for the past 2 years when I was in the junior’s group. But I wonder why they made it intermediate’s only…. Once the announcements we’re done, my teacher Mr. Lance handed out the monthly newsletter. I looked at all the upcoming events. A lot of tryouts we’re placed throughout the calendar. Something caught my eye. At the very bottom of the newsletter was the total of enrolled students at my school. It read 999. I’m very surprised. Last year I remember it being only in the 850’s. We have a really big school. Trust me we do.
    Class starts
    Boring as hell. We didn’t do much. We just got our desks and textbooks sorted.
    I run straight to the auditorium for the dance auditions. I opened the door and their were more people than I thought. I really didn’t want to sign up and dance in front of these people. I look at this year’s dance coach. Something definitely caught my eye. This year’s dance coach was Sydney. He’s been my dance coach ever since. HE KNOWS ME. So I decided to talk to him and ask if I can just join the team without asking. So I did. Sydney responds with something very simple. Simple as the word okay. I was glad that he let me join that quick. I told him that I promise to make him proud <3
    After School
    The final announcements came on before the bell rang. Sydney was talking. He said the dance team for this year will be posted up at the bulletin in the hallway. Their also will be permission forms for after school practices. I was too excited. Once the bell rang I ran to the school bus. Blue to be exact. Each bus has its own color. Goofy right?  I stepped in the bus to see all the 8th graders that took the back seats. I then sat down on the 2nd last back seat. It’s sad that none of my friends actually go on my bus, which pretty much means that I talk to no one. Today the bus was pretty full because another bus in our neighborhood is flooded with newbies. So they had to move students from that bus to our bus. We also have a new stop. I still had no one to talk to on the bus.  sadly… Today a guy in my grade named Jason sat beside me. It was only for today…. I think. I don’t really like him. His hair is so long. Well not really but it covers his eyebrows and everything. His hair doesn’t go to his shoulder’s though. It’s kinda weird. REALLY WEIRD.
    September 8th
    As I arrived at school, I was psyched. It was obvious that I got the lead female dancer at the bulletin. Every year, each dance has a lead female and lead male. At a certain part of the performance they get a big solo together. I was hoping for Dean. Dean signed up too, and I know he’s a great dancer. He takes private dance lessons and I think he would be great for the male role. He’s kinda cute too. But he likes this girl Amanda. I don’t think I have a “BIG” competition with this girl but I’m not trying to steal him. I just want a good dance partner. I read the paper at the bulletin and saw my name as the leading female role. Guess who happens to be RIGHT BESIDE MY NAME…
    The male leading role: Jason