• Alexander Sammael... are you able to hear this locked up heart of mine? I wish that your years of battling the storm would now be over. You will still have lots of problems, and painful decisions will still have to be made but if you have someone with you... maybe life for you will be better.

    As she turns her head towards me, my chest suddenly felt heavy. dug dug dug. What is this sensation? My heart seems to want to come out of my chest. Sigh. Let me see you.. Let me see your face...

    Walking down the mountain took Sammael’s army almost two hours to get to the very foot of the mountain. Tonight, they will destroy Alberio City of the Dark (West) Kingdom. To destroy this city is yet by far their longest venture ever as they took their time planning a sneak attack to this city. Alberio City, just like Fulgaria of the White (East) Kingdom/ Kingdom of Jamorite specializes in technological magic.

    “Tell me why we had to walk again?” Second-in Command Chrome Lenneth Pyralis was once a Keahanian- a term use to call the people of the Dark (West) Kingdom for the Kingdom’s true name is the Kingdom of Keahania, a kingdom for the fire and earth loving people. Due to circumstances that are still unknown to me, he was disowned by his own blood- his own people, that is why destroying this city of the Kingdom of Keahania is but a pleasure to him as well as to his comrades.

    It took them a hard and long time planning to destroy this city for the technological magic that is found in this city is an invisible barrier that detects any form or use of magic within a kilometre away. But thanks to Maalik Rad, one of Sammael’s best comrades, the key to the downfall of Alberio City has been unlocked. It is easy to destroy this city even with the invisible barrier active but this type of technological magic could be of use to the Kingdom of Jamorite that is why they also must have any materials that could lead them to making this kind of technology for the Kingdom’s own use.

    “Remember your positions. Destroy the crystals assigned to each one of you in one single blow all at the same moment. You only have ten minutes. The map to each of the crystals is already tattooed in your hands.” Rawlins said as his hands touch the ground to verify Tonio’s information.

    “Are you sure you are okay with being the bait Sammael?” Tonio, being the self-portrayed best friend of Sammael said as he looks at the latter with concern written in his eyes.
    “Damn you.” Was all Sammael could utter. “Let’s go.”

    Alexander Sammael von Blaineustru was the scariest and meanest bait ever. As he walks through the gates of Alberio City, the guards all lined up and attacked him with their bows and swords and spears; but all of these things were no match for him. In one swift movement with his sword he slashes them- the slits all visible in his enemy’s throats. Nine minutes. More... more... I need more blood... HA HA HA HA HA!!!

    “S-s-sir! P-p-p-l-lease d-d-d-o-on’t hurt my sister. Please sir..” As the boy begs for his sister’s life, Sammael only looked at him with a sinister smile on his face. Five minutes. Don’t! Their just kids! Don’t Sammael! Slash! He walks like a king and he kills like Satan...

    Five. His eyes were like the colour of the reddest of roses. Four. Blood flows on his face and on his body- his blood from the cuts he receive from the soldiers of Alberio City but more from the blood of his victims. Three. On his face is the smile of a handsome man but the cruellest of all devils. Two. He was devoid of any emotions... any but of hatred and pleasure of killing this people who took away the only person who believed and cherished him. One. The loud crash was heard along with the cries of all Alberians. The Alberio City- the most advanced city in this world when it comes to technological has easily fallen in the hands of the devil.

    With bloody clothes and bloody hands, Chrome Lenneth Pyralis, Tonio, Maalik Rad, Rawlins Salus and Lucious Pachu’a came out from underground Alberio towards Alexander Sammael, all with devilish smiles on their faces.

    “Chrome. You brought these women here when I specifically told you to kill all who gets in our way.” Sammael said as he eyed Chrome who is grabbing two women with both his hands.

    “I killed those who got in my way Sammael. These women didn’t and since I am merciful, I decided to make them my women for tonight.” Chrome said smilingly at Sammael.

    “Tonio, tell the soldiers to check each house to see if everyone is annihilated. Kill those who are still alive and bring me their blood.”

    “Got it Sammael.”

    After destroying so much of this city, Sammael uses his magic to go back to their camp. He felt sleepy all of a sudden after reaching his tent so never bothering to wash up and clean himself of the mess and blood, he felt asleep. Today as the sun begins to appear, a broken heart will begin to mend. A heart will open and a new feeling will surface the lonely soul of this devil.

    Your smile. Why did it feel like it has affected my heart so much? Your smile makes me happy at the same time it made me ache for no matter how beautiful your smile is it did not reach your eyes. Why? Who made you lonely? If this dream is real... I want to... I want to be... the one... who could make you smile...

    “Were you sleeping during the planning man? Heck, I think you have to drink the potion Magnolia gave you. Didn’t she say it’ll boost your memory? Ha Ha! You are not old, yet your brain is that of an old man!” Lucious Pachu’a said as he teases his comrade about Chrome’s memory being bad.

    “Lucious,” Sammael, “Keep it down. We’re already at the foot. Triggering the detector will do us no good.”

    When it comes to Alexander Sammael, Lucious humorous face becomes stiff as he followed the Demon Prince’s command. As he does this his other comrades Tonio, Chrome, Maalik Rad, and Rawlins Salus all looked at him with a devious smile. “Serves you right,” whispered Chrome.

    As a response Lucious gave him a punch in the arm.

    “We’re here. The six of us will attack first.” Commands Sammael. According to Tonio’s information Alberio City has invisible barriers around it that also detects the use of any form of magic within a kilometre away. This type of technological magic could be of use to Keahania that is why along with the careful planning and attack includes taking possession of any materials that would lead them to make this kind of barrier in a much larger scale.

    “What about the soldiers?” asked Maalik as he looks around to look for the White Soldiers.

    “They’ll come after we destroy at least half of this city,” Tonio, “we don’t need that much anyway. Aside from the fact that too many soldiers could make us noticed, we could very well handle them ourselves. After we get what we came here for, we will leave the Alberians to our soldiers.”

    “Remember your positions. Destroy the crystals assigned to each one of you in one single blow all at the same moment. You only have ten minutes. The map to each of the crystals is already tattooed in your hands.” Rawlins said as his hands touch the ground to verify Tonio’s information.

    “Got it. Damn! When was the last time since I last tasted the blood of those who disowned me?” Chrome said as he grins evilly. “Payback time.”