• -Romeo-_Visit from the Songstress_

    Memories of standing overlooking the sea flashed back to me.Really quickly.
    It hurt

    I gripped my shirt as the pain hit my chest and caused my heart to beat faster.and painfully."Oww.."I dropped to my knees,my wings folding around me.
    "It hurts,doesn't it?" a girl's voice made me look up.She stood there,shimmering like a ghost"It hurts terribly when you're alone"I looked up at her,pain blurring her into a tall light"what do you mean?I'm not alone!I-" the girl cut me off"We are alone"
    "Romeo Satoshi Lin"


    I sat up quickly,knocking my pillow to the floor.The sheets were tangled around my bare legs."what the hell?"I moaned.Not only did I feel like crap,sweat stuck my shift to my skin.I tried to get out of bed and clutched my chest
    "that wasn't a dream....."I moaned"It was a nightmare....."

    Was I seriously losing it?