• Chapter 1

    I had spent the last hour of the night laying awake staring up my celling, the waitng was becoming unbarable. Wasn't someone suppose to be here soon? To save me? I guess I had been wrong, I had been in my house for what seemed like endless years of emenss torture and suffering. Maybe that was a little over the top? But that's how it felt right now, my stomach ached and burned with hunger it had for about a week now, I had run out of food a week ago, all I had was water which was keeping me alive for the most part. You could go three weeks without food right? But you can't go without water. I was fine. I closed my eyes and listened to tne sounds from outside, the tapping was getting louder. I couldn't bare it much loner could i? How long did Ihave till Ilost it? I sat up too fast and felt a sudden waveof dizziness wash over me. I turned my head to the side and became sick on the floor. God I felt horrible. I got up stumbling over to my closet to look for some kind of weapom Icould use against them hurt them enough to be able to get away from them.

    (Sorry to stop here guys but having trouble with the device I'm using to write this it will continue soon promise)