• Time seems to pass by quickly. It's already 10pm and I haven't eaten or bathed. I have to stay woke. I can't fall asleep. I have to stay woke.
    .................. I get up feeling drowsy slowly walking to the kitchen. Almost stumbling.
    ..................................... Maybe coffee will help... I think to myself.

    ....... I rub my eyes and pour myself a cup. I try to stay balanced by holding onto the counter. As I take a sip I look out of my window to see flashing lights of a police car. I guess they're still trying to look for Judith. I drink the rest of my coffee. The coffee didn't help.

    ............................... Maybe a cold shower... I think again.

    I make to my bathroom in one piece. Why does it feel like I'm moving in slow motion? I strip down and step in my shower. I turn on the water and look at my toes. The water starts to pool up and I start thinking about everything.

    ...............................Do normal people think in the showers?
    ............................Do normal people like cold showers?

    I turn on the shower and try to wake up but it doesn't help. I bow my head and the water washes through my white hair. I look down at my body.

    .............................Damn... I am pale.

    I rub my eyes again and place my hand on the wall for support. I begin to lose my balance and start to black out. I fall and pass out.

    .......................... I have to stay woke.
    ...................................I shouldn't sleep.
    .............................I have to...
    ...................... Stay .... awake.

    The nightmares begin. The want to kill is in my head. The need to. But I can't. I need to wake up before it's too late. I slowly open my eyes and find myself still in the shower but fully clothed. There is a knife in my hand and blood in the tub. But it isn't mine.

    ......................What? Not again..

    I hear walking in my house and slowly get out of my tub. As I walk towards my door it opens quickly to reveal a gun pointed towards me. And the girl holding it shouts.
    ........................... "Put your hands in the air!" the masked girl yells.
    ............ "No". I reply and step toward her.

    She begins to shake and yells again.
    "Do it or I swear I'll shoot!"

    "Prove it!" I reply calmly.
    She gets frustrated and then....
