• A/N

    I don't know if anyone has wondered at this but I wanted to know what happened to Logan after Dracula took Draculura away. So that's what this story is about, Enjoy! (Just know this isn't the best of my stories, but the next chapter will be ubber bloody, crazy, and totally awsome. I promise on the fur of my kitty cat Bo.)

    Monster High Fan Fiction

    Every Rose has its Thrones…

    …it would seem every rose has its thrones…and I always get them, not the flower…

    It had been four long years searching for Lura, or as that guy had so named her Draculura, but I had finally found her. And here I stood outside the gates of the Vladimir estate in Transylvania.

    Here in Transylvania it was once dangerous for people to be outside at night for fear of monsters. Then these creatures called RADs presented themselves to society about two years ago. They were just like people except special. Now creatures that were once feared are breaking bread with us at our local churches.

    I was walking down the street along a stretch of paved road with a wrought iron fence beside it. The sun was nearly gone and the townsfolk were lighting the oil lamp candle street lights. Night walking creatures were busily shopping in the town square as twilight faded into night.

    I came to a stop in front of the gate of the fence but I couldn't enter because it was locked by a chain on the inside. In iron work was a large dragon dead on the gate, it was symmetrical and split straight down between the eyes with a tail that would around under a great claw. I shook it in frustration. It was getting hard to see in the limited light. There were shadows everywhere and it was hard to tell where a shadow started and the fence ended. The closest street light was at the end of the long paved road.

    With the sun gone from the sky and the clouds rolling in to cast speckles of moonlight onto the ground while casting a slightly blue green light the atmosphere became lurid. The air was stuffy but cold and it was easy to tell a strong storm was blowing in.

    I circled the manor, well castle, and couldn't find a single gap in the fence to slip through. I was back at the front gate and I looked back and forth to make sure no one would see. I scaled the fence and dropped to the ground with a thud on the other side. I stood and brushed myself off and began up the stone drive that led to the castle door. There was nothing that could hope to expostulate me from barging up to the large wooden door, grabbing the large dragon head shaped knocker and demanding they let me in to see Lura. The memories of her still haunted me.

    . . . . . I slid my hands around Lura's waist and before she could yelp I spun her around and planted a kiss on her soft lips. They tasted faintly of honeysuckles and strawberries. She signed into my kiss.

    "Sorry…" I said pulling away. "It's all I've been thinking of since you said you might would have to marry that brat of a boy." Lura smiled at me in a way that melted me to the core. Her eyes were so bright and sparkling. Lura linked her hands, which had been resting on my chest, around my neck.

    "And what else are you planning on doing about that?" She asked in a flirtatious tone.


    "We could run away together Lura; we could see all the world and you could visit the places you've read about in your books." I held Lura's hands in my own tenderly trying my best to stay strong for her. My heart was so full of love but it killed me to see Lura so exasperated. I knew all of Lura's hopes and dreams, all that she wanted in life.

    "I don't…" Lura said glancing away. We'd start from nothing but love would be worth it I thought.

    "Lura I could take care of us, I promise I'd find a way." I said.

    "When would we…" She trailed off. She wasn't sure she could go through with this I could see it in her eyes.

    Logan thought to himself for a moment. "We could meet tonight after the festival is nearly over."

    "I…" Lura was speechless. Would Lura want to run away with me? And what if we couldn't make it on our own? What if we had to come back here?

    "Lura…" I pleaded pulling her chin up so she was looking into my eyes instead of where our hand rested in her lap.

    "I will meet you here tonight." She said confidently looking up into my eyes with her pale blue ones.


    "Lura we could survive if we tried…" I wanted her to believe it could work, that we could work. I had pulled her from me to look into her tear filled eyes; I could hear the villagers looking for us. (He could hear it over the sound of his heart breaking from seeing Lura in such despair.) Lura wouldn't look at me.

    "No Logan, it wouldn't happen." She sniffled and wiped her nose on her sleeve pulling slightly back from me only making contact by her hand on my arm. Lura looked through me then, almost like she didn't even see me standing there before her, pleading with her. Her face hardened and she said. "My whole life, my whole existence, has been a lie. This wasn't the life I was born to, not the life I was meant to live. I'm kidding myself if I think that this would work out. It's time I end this lie and go to live on the dark side…" She pulled away from me and ran in the direction of the cemetery.

    "Lura wa…" I saw her run away snagging the hem of her dress on a branch before snatching it loose and running on. I would have followed her but the sound of the villagers close by distracted me long enough for her to flee from me.


    "Lura, oh thank God! You're okay I thought you were…" I grabbed Lura's hand up again where I had dropped it in her lap to sob and was looking down at it with wide eyes. "You're so cold…"

    Lura was tilting her head from side to side like she was trying to process what was going on. She pulled her hand back from me. "Who are you?" She said as if she truly didn't know. Her voice was void of all emotion.

    My eyes grew huge and I began to shake my head from side to side. What was she saying? She didn't know who I was. "Lura, it's me…Logan…don't you..." Lura slid her legs over the side of the stone coffin table and pushed off onto the floor. "What…Lura! Stop! Where are you…" Lura began to walk towards the stranger named Dracula. "Lura…Stop, please. I love you…" Lura turned back to glance over her shoulder at me with disinterest. I was near to tears with desperation and it showed on my face.

    Her beautiful pale blue eyes that I so loved were wine-like and glistening in the light from the flamed torches on the tomb walls. They reflected back no signs that she knew who I was.

    Lura walked over and linked her arm into Dracula's, the sleeve of her pink and gold gown contrasted greatly with his black frock suit. "Daddy?" she said cocking her head to one side.

    "Yes, sweet-heart, I am your father." Then Lura smiled and leaned her head onto his shoulder closing her now blood red eyes.

    I dropped to my knees where I had been standing. My eyes were unbelieving and I was shaking uncontrollably. It just couldn't be…

    "What is my name?" Lura asked looking up to her father; he stood for a moment in thought then said to her. "Your name is Draculura, you are my daughter. I am the vampire Dracula." She nodded and smiled up at him.

    "And I am a vampire too?" She asked in her beautiful loving voice.

    "Yes, you are a vampire too; and you will forever be my little girl. Immortalized at the age of six teen." Dracula said to Lura in a sweet fatherly tone.

    This made her smile and this time it was a big smile that showed her new fangs. I was on the floor watching but unable to do anything for the girl I loved who didn't even know who I was. She turned around and smiled at me which gave me a sliver of hope to look on.

    She leaned up to whisper in his ear, covering it up with her hand, and I just caught what she was saying; while she was pointing at me. To see her attention at me I smiled, till I caught what she said. "Is he my snack?" She asked licking her pale pink lips. My heart dropped out of my chest onto the cold stone floor and I began to sob into my hands where I was on my knees on the floor.

    Dracula grabbed her shoulders firmly. "No Draculura, he is not food! He's…an old friend of yours…"

    "Then why don't I remember him…?"She asked in her beautiful bell like voice that currently felt like a stab to my heart.

    "Because he is no longer important…" Dracula said in a hushed tone, glancing back at me. Then my eyes glazed over with despair and I mouthed Lura's name. Then I was out in spirit. "Do you want to go get something to eat?" He asked her leaning to see her better in the eye. She nodded and with his hand on her back he guided her out the door and out of my life. . . . .

    I remembered every detail about Lura. From the way the light caught her eye to the pitch her voice hit when she laughed, or lied. She was my true love and no matter how far we were apart, or how long we were separated, I would never be ready to let her go.

    After Dracula had taken Lura away I had stayed in the tomb too emotionally drained and jaded to do anymore than stay there and not move. The villagers came to the tomb and found me in a heap on the stone ground. They beat me and tortured me trying to elicit from me where Lura was, thinking I had something to with her disappearance. Eventually they gave up trying to get the information from me and through me into the stocks for three weeks to think.

    Rugged and nearly dead I had dragged myself to my home where I expected to find the love and support of my parents with open arms. I was wrong. When I arrived home my parents had disowned me. They told me I had been a public embarrassment that shamed their family and that I had sullied their relationship with Lura's wealthy merchant family. My mother said she wasn't sure she could even show her face in public again and that it would be best for me to leave. They didn't want to be further disgraced by harboring a reprehensible miscreant like me.

    They kicked me out onto the street and I made my way from town to town in search of a place far from here so no one would know me. I tried to transcend, or overcome, these defeats but it was hard to come back from something like this. With nothing but the clothes on my back I traveled by day staying only one night in a town before moving on. I was twenty one years old now and a full man. There were women who fawned over me but only one consumed my thoughts.

    I started up the dark stone steps that led to the massive castle of Dracula where behind lay my precious Lura. With my boots scuffling along the uneven stone and the chain on my pants dangling and chinking against its self I knocked on the door.

    In a black suit with gold stitches and accented red cuffs, a red sash around the waist and red shirt under the jacket Dracula stood before me just as he had been in the tomb. He wore a long black and red vertical stripped cape. His eyes shot up at the sight of me as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

    "Vat are you doing here?" He said in his thick accent.

    "I want to see Lura. Where is she?" I asked him looking him dead in the eye. I was nearly taller than him.

    "She vould not vant to speak to you. She does not even know who you are boy." He began to close the door but I put my hand out to stop him from closing it.

    "I will not leave until I see Lura." Almost as if on q Lura came up behind Dracula.

    "Daddy! Which dress should I ware to the Solstice festival? It has to be fabulous since it's a celebration and everyone will be there." She was just as she had been the last moment I had laid eyes on her before she was escorted away. Now she was holding a pink frilly dress that couldn't have went past her knees, as scandalous as that may be, and a lavender and black dress accented with black roses and long black lace sleeves. They both looked lovely to me…

    Her eyes jumped for a moment seeing me behind her father and she looked to him and smiled at me. "Who's he? He's cute." She giggled and winked.

    "He's just an old friend sweet-heart and you are not wearing the pink one to the festival." Dracula said to Lura, she made a mock pouty face then skipped off dresses in tow. He turned to me. "Now you've seen her, leave."

    "NO!" I said putting my hand on the door again. "I will not leave without Lura."

    "Vell, you vill not leave vith her." He said not the least bit concerned with assuaging the situation.

    "Then change me."

    "Vhat?" He asked cocking his head to one side.

    "Make me like her, like you." I said.

    "It's out of the question." He said. "And vould you really consider being like us. Living on the blood of others."

    "Yes. If that is what it takes to be with Lura."

    Dracula's face looked thoughtful. "If I turn you then you vill never be able to see another sunset. Or taste garlic, or see your own reflection."

    "Tis' nothing compared to the agony of being away from Lura."

    "Another thing you need to know is that her name is no longer Lura. It is Draculura or Lala."

    I stepped through the threshold in his face and in an attitude I had not the prerogative to use demanded. "Change me."


    I was lying on a couch in the drawing room of the castle of Dracula staring up at a large hand carved wooden dragon on the ceiling waiting for sunlight to finally leave so that I could learn to hunt. Though the normies were friends with the RADs that didn't mean we didn't still look to them as food. We've got to survive to right?

    I stretched out on the couch and rolled over onto my stomach. Having a craving for blood was a weird new feeling I'd have to adjust to. Dracula was surprised that when I awoke from my turning with cold pale skin and crimson eyes that I hadn't lost my memory. He had forbid me from seeing Lura, or rather "Draculura".

    With my sensitive hearing I could now hear the blithe sound of her laughter coming from her room to me. I signed. I'd missed the sound so badly.

    I yawned. There was a knock at the door and I wandered to whom it could be. I looked through the door from my place on the couch and I could just see the door to the castle. Dracula went and opened it.

    There in the door way stood two people and young man and a young women a year or so older than Draculura. I could sense they were vampires, and strong ones at that.

    "Hello Dracula, it seems as though you've grown since your father handed rein of the estate over to you." The boy said in a playful tone. He had cottony blond hair and fiercely pale skin. His eyes were so red they were aluminous. They were a color I'd never seen before. His clothes were hackneyed, that was something no one wore because it had no expression. They were black pants and coat with a red shirt and accents that nearly blended into the black of the night sky that had fallen behind them.

    "Hello Ambrogio. I'd like to say it's a pleasure to see you again; I'd like to say that, but I can't." Dracula said in a petulant tone gripping the door more firmly.

    "Now now, no need to be uncivil." A girl said with a sly grin on her face that exposed a fang, her hair was short and black and cut straight just under her ears. She wore clothes that were more dramatic. She had on black elbow length gloves and a ball gown made of black silk that split to show red frill under the skirts. As well as red frill lining the top of the dress and the sleeves she also sported blood red lipstick.

    "Callisto is right Dracula. We're all friends here." Ambrogio said with an impish attitude reaching over to Callisto to stroke her hair and push it gently behind her ear.

    "Vhat do you vant?" Dracula said in a tone that wasn't the least bit amused.

    "We want to offer you a chance to join our society." Ambrogio said turning serious.

    "I'm not interested." Dracula said shortly attempting to close the door before Ambrogio put his hand out to open it. I could hear a sizzling sound and then Ambrogio lifted his hand from the door. His features sharpened. And his fangs extended the next time he spoke.

    "Don't make a decision like his lightly Dracula. This could make or destroy you." He said in a terrifying tone while giving an innuendo to a threat. While he was talking Callisto had grabbed his hand that had been burned and began feathering kisses over it.

    "Then I vill say my goodbyes in the evening." He began to close the door but stopped at hearing the sound of petite footsteps pitter-pattering down the hall.

    Just then Draculura came out from the hallway in a long flowing white gown. She was rubbing her eyes with one hand and stretching the other as she yawned, her long black hair cascading down her back in curls from sleeping. "Daddy, who's at the door?"

    "It's no one sweet-heart, go back to bed." Dracula said.

    "Well what about your daughter, would she be interested in our society?" He asked in an innocuous tone.

    "You vill not speak to my daughter. She vould have nothing to do vith you and your coalition." Dracula replied in a closing statement.

    "Is that so?" Ambrogio said unctuously. Just then he took a step into the house but it was as if an invisible barrier was in his way. He bared his fangs and hissed as Callisto's eyebrows shot up and her mouth formed words she couldn't say. A small trail of smoke came up from his foot and he let out a fierce rawr that was more animal than man. The trail of thin gray smoke got thicker and became nearly black as it raced up his leg and his body to his head. He pulled his foot back and jumped away from the door.

    "I didn't invite you in Ambrogio. You should know better to try and enter my home uninvited." Dracula said in a mocking tone.

    "You will regret this day, Dracula. I will ensure that one day you will rue your mockery to the Le Vampire Culte Canin Rouge." Ambrogio said in a thick French accent.

    "I vill regret nothing. You are all inhumane." Dracula spat back nearly lunging towards Ambrogio.

    "Of course we are inhuman. We are cold-blooded, literally." He laughed at that as if there was something funny about that then looked smugly at Dracula with a fiery hate in his eyes. "We are better than those miserable humans. Immune to disease, and stronger than any human man could hope to achieve." His accent was very thick now and he was growing in volume. "We should rule over them, it is in our nature. They should worship us as gods."

    "You are overstepping your place Ambrogio. These are matters best left alone. Things are going good for us with the humans, do not mess things up with your provincial ideas." Dracula said at first in a pleading tone, but ending with a command. Ambrogio stepped back and straightened his coat awkwardly as if he was forced to do as Dracula said. He cleared his throat.

    As if feeling my intense gaze at last Ambrogio looked past Dracula into the drawing room to where I was on the couch. He inclined his head in my direction. "Though I am heartbroken to leave on this note, if you have a change of heart," If you still have one…Callisto interjected barely audible. "Then you know how to find us."

    Ambrogio turned on his heel and left. After Dracula closed the door an eerily cold silence filled the large and cold home.


    It was the night after my first hunt and the encounter with the vampire cult. Dracula had had a small round table that could fit two, maybe three, in his study. A meal had been prepared for Draculura and himself though he didn't eat. Lura still liked the taste of sweets; I guess some things never change. (And then some things do.) I just wanted a nice glass of blood.

    There was a warm lit fire place in the corner. I was sitting alone in his study waiting for Dracula to come in here. He wouldn't allow me to eat with him and Lura so I had to wait for him in here. When he stepped into the room he was holding a green wine bottle full of what I presumed to be dinner.

    "Sorry it took so long, I vas listening to Lala tell me about vhat she saw today." Dracula said slipping into the seat across from me as I spun around to face him, placing my elbows on the table.

    "Wasn't she asleep today?" I asked.

    "No she goes out for valks during the day."

    My eyebrows shot up. "Isn't that dangerous? Couldn't something happen, why would you let her-"

    "I know it's not best but she refuses to sleep all day. If I tell her no she just sneaks out, so vhat choice do I have." He held his hands up as if in defeat the popped the cork on the bottle and poured two glasses. A rustic caramel wafted up to my nose. "Here," He said handing me the glass.

    Two servants walked into the study carrying two plates of food.

    "What's this?" I asked referring to the people food under the tray covers.

    "Vhile you're only a few days old you'll fill veird vhen you don't eat something." The serving girls came over and placed the trays in front of us, uncovering them to show pasta with tomato sauce. "And also this is my favorite dish."

    We began to dig and pick at our food that smelled like it had something other than tomatoes in it. As we were sitting in silence it felt a bit awkward so I tried to start up a conversation about the one thing that consumed my thoughts. "I want to marry Lura."

    Dracula's gaze shot up to me and he froze with the fork poised just above his teeth. He placed to fork down on his plate and grabbed his napkin to wipe away some excess tomato sauce on his chin.

    "Vhat did you just say?" Dracula said as if he hadn't heard me right.

    I hadn't tasted my food or touched my goblet. "I want to marry Lura." I said firmly pushing my food aside.

    "That's out of the question. You are not fit to marry my daughter." Dracula said standing up and going over to the fire place.

    "I am the only person who'd love Lura more than life, or death. I would always be there for her. You couldn't find someone better fit to love her. I'm after your approval. If I'm not fit for Lura, then who would be." I pleaded to Dracula, he would see reason.

    He thought for a moment staring into the flames as they flickered and flew up the chimney sending smoke up into the sky. "Lura is not ready to be married yet. If you vant to be vith her you vill just have to vait until I see that she is ready."

    "As long as it takes."


    It was the night after and it was time for my departure as Dracula had said. As I put on my black trench coat I could hear Lura trying to convince Dracula to go to the festival with her.

    He said he couldn't because he was too busy. He said that there had been a major decadence in the profits that had been receiving in his work and that he needed to fix that. Lura tried to simulate that it didn't matter, but it was written all over her face that it crushed her he wouldn't go with her. If it were up to me I would never disappoint her or leave her alone.

    I felt such a strong umbrage for Dracula because he wouldn't allow me to even tell her good bye. On top of that he was leaving her alone. She would pretty herself up and go into town. She would smell the flowers and taste the treats and pastries. Boys would turn their heads as she walked by and ask her to dance in the square. Knowing her free spirit she wouldn't think twice before saying yes.

    I opened the door and stepped over the threshold. A feeling washed over me like I was being bathed in fire and ice. A barrier had arisen behind me that would keep me from entering this home ever again unless I had permission. I glanced back once over my shoulder and caught sight of Lura in the lavender silk gown accented with black roses and black lace sleeves. She looked crestfallen as she hung her head and walked down the hall to where I knew her room was. A small bat flew above her head wearing a pink bow.

    Her long black hair hung loose with a black lace band pulling back her bangs and making her hair more voluminous. She glanced up slightly to see me and a light flashed across her eyes. It was then I noticed they weren't red. But that they were a slightly pale pink. It looked different against her aluminous pale white skin.

    I turned on my heel, closed the door and began to walk away. The last sight that lingered in my head and in my heart was of the most beautiful flower to ever grace the earth, thrones and all…

    The End


    I just thought of something. Logan is named after Wolverine and in Wolverine Origins, the comic and the movie, X-Men Origins: Wolverine; Logan loses his memory and his love. The same thing happened in the previous chapter containing him except it was his love in the place of him. I just thought of that and thought it was cool and that you might think it was interesting as well.

    Also to put a little history into the story, Vlad Dracula was a Romanian prince, son of Vlad Dracul. Dracula's father was the ruler of what is now modern day Romania in the mid 1400's. During this time he was invited by the Holy Roman Emperor in Hungary into the "Order of the Dragon". And his name, Vlad Dracul, means "Vlad the Dragon". While his son "Vlad the Impaler", commonly known as Dracula, has a name that means "Vlad, Son of the Dragon". This is why I placed dragons all over his castle, even if I didn't tell about the real castle of Dracula.

    Vlad Dracula wasn't really a vampire in history but the way he impaled people took a long time to kill them and he would sometimes have his meals outside to watch them die. A particular painting depicting him drinking wine at a table while a man bleed to death behind him is what historians believe led people to believe he was a vampire. His legacy, although fictional, is said to be symbolic of national pride and patriotism in Romania.

    I just wanted to say thanks to wolverinacullen for all your reviews, they really warm my heart and I'm so glad that you like my stories! It even inspired me on an idea for a fourth and maybe fifth chapter for this story.

    LOL, Luv ya peeps/kits (peeps-people, kits-kids or kitties…?), Neko-chan out!3