• Night time fell and Monobear’s sickeningly cute voice rang out through the intercom, spewing the same bullshit as it always did. Stay out of the cafeteria, blah blah blah. You did not give a s**t. You will do what you want when you want, however, right now you’re just going to meet up with a friend.

    Chihiro Fujisaki is a pleasant little girl and you promised her you’ll help her become stronger because for some reason, she was reluctant to train with Asahina and Oogami. You didn’t understand why- it was beyond you; but regardless, you’re a man and you kept a man’s promise to help Fujisaki out.

    Slowly and quietly, you made your way to the recreation room and unlocked the door to the boy’s changing area, stripping from your clothes and placing a black sweatsuit on. Chihiro should be there any moment now and you took care to leave the door unlocked so she could walk in. You doubted her student ID card would work on the door. What you did was courteous.

    And oh, there she came, her eyes widening in glee once she saw you. “Good evening, Oowada-kun!” she spoke with an excitement in her voice. It was like she was all ready to train. You simply wave at her and step back as she put her stuff in a locker and closed it.

    "We’re gonna be doing a ******** ton of s**t so I hope you’re ready. Muscles don’t grow over night so don’t be disappointed if you wake up in the mornin’ and there’s no meat on those arms of yours." Mondo chimed, getting up from the bench.

    "U…uhm, Oowada-kun, there’s s-something I must tell you.."

    You stop, looking at her. Was she going to confess something, something important? Your eyes widen because the look on her face said your suspicion was correct.

    "I-I am not what I am cut out t-to be…"


    "Y…you see, I am a boy.."

    What. What the ********.

    You couldn’t believe your ears. Did Chihiro just confess that he had been lying this whole time about his identity? It’s not like you’re angry or anything, just shocked.

    "A…are you serious…?” you stutter, sounding like a complete idiot.

    ”B…but… why? Why did you suddenly… decide to reveal your secret?”

    You could feel yourself growing irritated with the other, a vein in your forehead started to pulse and your body twitched a bit.

    ”..Eh?” Chihiro questioned, causing your irritation to spawn into frustration with the smaller male. Why did this anger you, you had no idea. But the fact that this person. Your friend. Kept this secret for so long was beyond you. Was this the secret Monobear was going to expose to the world? Was it that Chihiro actually has a d**k and is wearing a skirt? The more you thought on it, the more it angered you.

    "I mean… Isn’t it a secret you kept for a long time? If you reveal it now… you…" your words didn’t make any sense to you and you just stare at him, wishing this conversation would end.

    "Y…you’re right… but… I want to change. I want to destroy that weak part of myself that always uses lies to escape…!"

    And those words. Dug into your skin. Causing a pain that made you sick to your stomach. Those words rang in your ears and you just stood there, looking at him shocked. You cannot comprehend anything except. That you’re getting really, really furious with the fact. That this younger boy is stronger than you.

    It was best for him to shut up.

    "I think I must change. I’m weak, after all… But, you know? You’re so strong, Oowada-kun. I’m sure you’re going to be just fine, right?"

    Shut up. Shut up.

    "Whatever that secret Monobear is going to reveal is."


    Silence grabs the air and you look down, staring at your feet. You bite the inside of your mouth, fighting back tears that could leak out at any moment. A swelling issued in your chest, giving you a discomfort like you would want to rip your heart out.

    "Are you saying… you want me to tell you?”

    The words sound calm, but you are not calm.

    "Since I’m really strong… I should let you know my secret?”

    Your words started to have an impact, a form of malice. Every nerve in your body started to snap in half.

    "Are you… being sarcastic…? I’m strong, huh…? Are you making… fun of me...?" it was difficult to form words and it was difficult to breathe. This boy in front of you. This little weak kid was the trigger that set off the anger inside of you.

    "What are you… scheming to do to me…? Tell me… what do you plan to do? Are you going to reveal my secret… and make a fool out of me...?”

    Everything you spew out sounds like utter bullshit. Nonsense. However, you’re on the verge of snapping.

    "W…what’s wrong?" Chihiro squeaked, his eyes filling with tears.

    Feh. Tears. ******** tears. This boy wanted to become strong and now he is crying! This added more to your fury and your mind was becoming blank.

    "Why… did you tell me? Are you trying to mock me?" your words pierce Chihiro like daggers and he staggered backwards, strangled sobs emitting from his throat. The sound. Just set you off more.

    "I… I just really admire you… Oowada-kun… You’re so strong… and I admire you…" he managed to choke out, backing towards the door. No. He wasn’t going anywhere.

    You start to advance on him, picking up a rather large and heavy dumbbell. To you, this is mere child’s play; it was easy to pick it up. It was as light as a feather.

    "You’ve got that right… I’m strong… Strong… I’m strong…"

    Your voice dropped to a low growl and you cry, a cry that was louder than Chihiro’s sobbing: “STRONGER THAN ANIKI!!" and a sickening crunch echoed through the room.

    Chihiro laid at your feet, bleeding from his head. From the dumbbell, blood dripped from it and it took you a few moments to rebound back into reality and realize what you’ve done.

    … You killed Fujisaki. You killed a boy who was perhaps the most hopeful person in this hellhole. And the longer you stare at his broken corpse, the more the pain in your chest swelled. You drop the dumbbell and drop to his side, rolling him over and cradling his head in your lap.

    You felt absolutely awful. It brought back memories of your older brother and how you. Intentionally. Drove in front of that bus. Were you really a… a monster..? You close Chihiro’s eyes since they were wide open, still glossy from tears and your own eyes that stung. Grief settled in you, causing your body to feel like lead.. But there was one last thing you must do. You had to hide the fact that you were the culprit. You had to mask your evidence. However, there was one thing you must do first. You needed to protect Chihiro’s secret. You remove his student ID from the depths of his pocket and traveled to the sauna, placing it in the heat for the time being while you tried to mask that you had something to do with it.

    End the end, even friends are selfish.