Wraith was stunned at first but then smiled. “Alright,” His eyes quickly darted over to the blond that was still across the street with a giant smile on her face.
I stared at the two boys and clapped my hands. “Alright, I'll talk to you later then.”
I then turned my attention to Damon. “Damon, it was nice seeing you. You need to make an appearance more often” I whispered in my best school girl swoon.
Damon gave me a sly smile and walked up to me. “It was quite nice to see you too,” He whispered as he brushed past me, and just for a second his hand entangled within mine. Sending that sweet chill up my spine.
“If you don't want to go I understand.” Wraith whispered as he walked after his friend leaving the two girls behind.
Damon looked at Wraith and smiled. “What are you talking about? I've been trying to get you to go out and party with me for a while now. Why would I miss out on this?”
Wraith nodded. “I guess so.”
There was a silence between them as Wraith looked back at the girls who were now walking away from them. He kept replaying the moment over and over when Rena actually came up and talked to him. Then it hit him. He played it over and over as Rena told Damon that it was really nice to see him.
“What the hell was that about?” Wraith asked as he stared at his best friend.
Damon didn't answer since he was so engrossed in his phone.
“Damon.” Wraith growled.
Damon finally looked up from the LED screen and raised an eyebrow. “What?” He asked in an almost irritated tone.
“You should make an appearance more often” He mimicked what Rena in a high pitched girly voice..
Damon shrugged. “She probably thinks I’m hot.” He shook his bangs out of his face and smiled. “A lot of girls do.”
“Do you like her?” Wraith wondered as he crossed his arms across his chest.
Damon didn’t know how to answer that, sure he and Rena were friends, and as of recently more then that. He thought about it carefully. “She's not to bad looking, besides when did you start liking her?”
Wraith's eyes grew to the size of saucers. “I-I've liked her ever since Faay introduced us.” he answered slowly.
Damon smiled. “Wow, I wish I had known that.”
Wraith's jaw about hit the floor. “What does that mean?”
Damon didn't answer, he pushed his phone into his tight jean pocket and started to walk away
“That was so degrading..” I growled as I clenched my fists together. “I feel like a traitor.”
“Now, here’s my question.” Faay started. “Why was it so easy for you to ask Wraith out on a date, but you wouldn't do that with Damon, you've liked him forever haven’t you?” Faay wondered.
I looked at the blond and cracked a half smile. “It’s not like that with Damon,” I paused in a way that I could explain it. “It’s more or less why Wraith didn’t ask me, I’m afraid of rejection I guess.”
“That makes more sense.” Faay whispered.
We hung out a little more after that but it wasn't to long before Faay dropped me off in front of my house. I waved at her as she drove away, prolonging the moments I had until I had to enter the empty house, reminding me that I really was alone.
I inhaled deeply as I started to make my way up the long walk. I was about to place my key in the lock when I heard voices next door.
Wait, was some one moving in next door.
I almost tripped over the shrubbery as I tried to sneak a peak at the new family next door.
I was brought to a great dismay when I didn't get to see anybody, other then the movers.
I sighed and started to laugh softly to myself. I was acting silly, how could I be like this, one of those nosy neighbors whom are always looking out our windows.
I turned around and once again started to make my way up the walkway, leaving the mystery of my new neighbors just that; a mystery.
The next day I was in the courtyard with Faay telling her about what I had seen.
“What?” Faay asked with big eyes. “Into the old Ero house?” She paused for a moment and brought her gloved hand to her chin. “I didn't think that house was up for sale..”
“It wasn't.” I assured as I reached into my bag and pulled out my water bottle.
“So do you think that the house was willed to the family?” Faay asked as she pulled up her dress so she could sit at the lunch table.
I shrugged and took a sip of the cool liquid.
I couldn't really remember anyone living there. It had been empty for as long as I could remember. “That place has a creepy feel to it.” I finally whispered.
“Like haunted creepy, or serial killer creepy?” Faay asked with a smirk.
“Really?” I asked as I threw a wadded up piece of paper at her.
“What’s going on?” Another female voice asked.
Both of us turned around and looked at the purple haired beauty who was approaching us. “Oh, Aei, how nice it is of you to make an appearance.” I said in a sarcastic tone.
Aei just smiled. “Sorry that my student body president duties take up most of my hang out time.”
“I knew you shouldn't have gone for that job position, now your going to miss out on all of our conversations about nothing.” I stated with a smirk tugging at the corners of my mouth.
Aei gave off a sort of shrug then returned the smile. “That’s just something I am going to have to deal with.” She finally sat on the steel stool and turned to the blond whom was now applying a shade of lip gloss. “So what is this conversation about?”
“Serial killers moved in next to Rena.” Faay stated smacking her lips together.
My mouth fell open. “Are you kidding me?” I hissed.
“That’s quite dangerous.” Aei stated in a sarcastic tone. She paused and looked at me intensely. “Does this family have any hot sons?”
I stared at her for a moment, then finally shook my head. “No, not that I’m aware of, I haven’t seen any body other then the movers.”
Aei exhaled and leaned back on her elbows.
“Who knows,” Faay interrupted. “You could be living next to your prince charming.”
“I doubt it,” I immediately dismissed. “Nothing like that could ever happen to me. I’ll just forever be stuck with the one sided attraction with your brothers best friend.” I whispered with a laugh. “That stuff only happens in novels and movies.”
“I wonder if they would be going to this school.” Faay wondered ignoring my jab.
Aei shrugged her shoulders. “I haven’t heard of any new students.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Do you guys even listen to me?” I hissed.
“They might have a late registration.” Faay whispered continuing to ignore me.
“That’s true, I’ll have to look into it today.” Aei said with a smile.
“Do you think that they would be older then us?” Faay wondered as she leaned on her hand.
Aei shrugged. “Wouldn’t matter, Rena has a thing for older boys anyway.”
I paused and looked over at Aei. “You don’t have any right to say anything to me about that since you like Wraith.”
“And you, Damon.” She returned.
I shrugged and looked away. “I don’t know what it is about that guy.” I stated with a smile as I stretched out my body. “He just pushes all my buttons at once.”
“Maybe it’s because it’s someone that you can’t have.” Faay stated. “You are attracted to the fact that he hates you.”
“Me?” I whispered trying not to laugh. “Oh, it’s not only me he hates.”
“Well Damon hates any girl that is younger then him.” Aei pointed out. “He made that clear when that freshman asked him out last year.” She started to laugh then stopped abruptly. “Wait, do you think he’s gay?”
I shook my head. “I highly doubt it, he’s probably just getting his kicks with the lonely house wife’s of South beach.”
“Poor girl,” Faay whispered as she pursed her lips, still thinking about how sad the young girl was. “She didn’t even have a shot.”
I rolled my eyes. That girl wasn’t good enough for Damon anyway. Besides, shortly after I found out why he had denied her, and that reason enough pleased me.
“What about me?” An all to male voice echoed behind the three gossiping girls.
My eyes widened, and a soft blush filled my cheeks followed by the racing of my heart. I didn’t know what to say, though that was a normal feeling that I got when I was around him. When he was so close to me.
“About your lack of finding Rena attractive.” Faay stated without even thinking about it. “Oh, Oh crap.” It was then that she had found the error of her ways and covered her mouth with both hands. “I’m sorry,” She squealed between glancing at me and muffing her slowly growing giggles.
I slowly widened my eyes. “Are we five now?” I hissed.
“Oh is that right?” He answered nonchalantly running his hand through his dark blue locks. “Didn’t know that I was supposed to.” He whispered.
“Oh?” Faay whispered looking over at me.
I took a deep breath and turned around to face the all to good looking boy. “No,” I answered. “Your not.”
Faay chuckled. “Aw, don’t be like that Rena. At least be truthful.”
I shook my head and fumbled around with the hem of my skirt.
Damon rolled his eyes and then fixated them on me. “As much as I would love to continue this conversation and get some juicy details. But, Rena don’t we have some business to attend to?”
“Business, with me?” I wondered aloud, acting like I had no idea what he was talking about.
“Well since your failing chemistry the teacher told me that I needed to tutor you.” He stated.
I stood up and smiled, flipping my long candy apple hair over my shoulder. “You don’t have to hide it Damon, your totally excited that you get to be my tutor.” I whispered as I bit into my lower lip, "I mean haven't you seen the movies, the student always gets the tutor." I stated as I ran my fingertips down his arm. “Always.”
“Totally,” He stated following me with his eyes, trying to conceal the raw need that was staring to grow.
“Are we going to meet up at the same place later?” Faay wondered not even fazed by our innuendos.
I nodded as I started to walk away.
Damon nodded towards Aei and Faay. "Well I guess I'll follow her." He stated with a grin, to suggestive to be all friendly.
Faay stared at them as they walked away then looked over at Aei. “Those two are acting funny, something has to be happening there.”
“If there was something happening, we’d never hear the end of it.” Aei answered as she took her laptop out of her bag.
Faay smiled. “I guess your right." she whispered as she leaned on her hand.
Damon almost immediately pushed me up against the brick wall outside of the library once we were out of sight from the two girls.
“Damon,” I whispered between breaths as I felt his hands slowly crawl up my side.
He used his other hand to grab onto my face and move it so he could kiss me, indefinitely silencing me with his own need. Which I welcomed greatly.
But, it was obviously pay back for the word play that I had used on earlier on him.
I was hesitant at first, my lips moving slowly against his. One of his hands continued to caress my sides up and down leaving a line of fire where ever he touched. The other finally left my face and became entangled within my hair.
My hands snaked up his back under his faux leather jacket and raked my fingernails against his soft skin, enjoying the play of hard muscles. I groaned as he pushed me harder into the brick wall. My shirt started to lift by then leaving my naked skin venerable to the roughness of the wall.
I broke off the kiss gasping for air and looked up into Damon’s face. “What’s gotten into you?” I wondered as I shakily removed my hands and let them return to my sides.
Damon stared at me for a long moment before finally pushing up off the wall. “I’m sorry,” He whispered as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I really couldn‘t tell you.”
I looked at him with a questioning glance. “Not that I mind it, I mean that was thrilling, but we have to be careful.” I whispered as I touched Damon’s hand softly with the tips of my fingers.
“Why?” He wondered. “Why do we have to be careful? Are you that ashamed to be seen with me?”
I found myself laughing. “What are you talking about? I’ve wanted this for a long time.” I stated as I motioned my hands in between our bodies.
Damon’s mouth parted for a moment before turning into a smile. “Really?”
I ran my hand up Damon’s arm and nodded. “I couldn’t tell you how many time I’ve fantasized about it.”
Damon felt the all to familiar heat begin to cover his cheeks. Which made him turn away almost immediately. He wasn’t about to let anyone see his weakness.
Not even me.
“Rena,” He whispered as he pushed me against the wall once again.
A whole new feeling rushed over me as the brick behind me started to bite into my skin. My heart sped up as I looked into Damon’s face. “Yeah?” I wondered as I bit into my bottom lip.
“Don’t do that,” He whispered.
“Don’t do what?” I wondered as I licked my suddenly very dry lips.
“Bite your lip, it’s very-” He paused for a moment and smiled. “-Distracting.”
I gave him a sly smile and bit into my bottom lip once again, this time it was most definitely on purpose.
“Ugh,” He pushed off the wall and looked away.
There was something that was nagging at him and I could see it now.
“What’s wrong?”
Damon looked at me and started to laugh nervously. “Ren, I didn’t pull you away from your friends to mess around.” He started. “I actually wanted to talk to you about something that has been bothering me for sometime.”
I raised an eyebrow and grabbed his hand. “Okay?”
“I don’t want you to go on that date with Wraith.” He hissed between clenched teeth, a sudden anger washing over his beautiful features.
“Why Damon Castial, if I didn't know any better I would say that you are starting to fall in love with me.” I whispered playfully.
Playfully was the only way I could spin that sentence. This whole thing between Damon and I was quite fragile, I didn’t want to ruin it. But, the emotion that Damon was now wearing scared me. Was he about to end it?
Damon looked at me for a long moment. I could see so many emotions fleeting across his face. Falling for me couldn’t have been the reason, could it?
He went quiet for a moment as he started to imagine the date scene in his head. Wraith would pick her up, she would be wearing a skimpy outfit, since that‘s what they wore to that type of club. He would lead her to the car and open the door for her since he was a gentleman. They would continue the date in a fashion where they would dance and drink. Then Rena would have to much and find herself leaning up on Wraith for support as he walked her back to the door. In the last minutes, just to rub it in later Wraith would lay the softest of kisses upon Rena‘s delicate lips.
Oh no, that couldn‘t happen. Damon wouldn‘t let it.
“Maybe I am,” He whispered finally.
My heart stopped. “But, you were the one who said that it was a friends with benefits, that we could date other people.” I whispered as I flailed hopelessly for a life line.
He turned away from me. “That was in the beginning when we were both using each other.” He stated. “We’ve been at this for quite sometime, sneaking around behind our best friends backs. Meeting in secret places that are way far away from the places that people we know frequent. I mean come on it’s been almost seven months now. Don‘t you think enough is enough?”
My eyes widened at his speech but quickly found that I could only squeak out a few words. “Has it really been that long?”
“Not the point Ren.” He stated as he touched the side of my face gently with his hand. “I’m sick of trying to make up stupid excuses just to get you alone for five minutes.” He growled. “If we were exclusive I could sit with you with your friends and hold your hand. Ask you to dances and such.”
I stared at Damon for a long moment. Was he really wanting to be and actual couple? There was no way, I was still in denial.
He was the one guy who you saw at the bar flitting from one girl to another.
Whispering sweet nothings in their ear, just to take them home then drop them like nothing. The Damon I knew didn’t grow feelings, all he really cared about was his cars, and where the next party was.
I was only supposed to be a back up if one of the girls he dated didn’t want to get frisky. But, now that I thought about it, Damon had been showing up at my house every night now. It had become such a normalcy that I didn’t even think about it twice. Well that was until now.
I continued staring at him, in fact I didn’t quite know what to say at all. The more that I hung out with Damon and the more we continued our friendship, the more my actually feelings started to disappear. Only to be replaced with the all to familiar feeling of lust.
“Don’t go on a date with Wraith, or it’s going to drive me crazy.” He pleaded as he leaned his forehead against mine. “Please, I’m begging you.”
“I have to,” I whispered as I pulled him closer to my body again and pressed my lips against his, trying to get him to be quiet.
“Wraith is my best friend,” Damon whispered. “Even so, I don’t think I could handle him holding your hand.
‘Oh Wraith would not be holding my hand.’ I thought to myself.
“I want to change the rules Rena, I want to be with you.” Damon finally stated.
I couldn’t help but smile. “You mean you would give up your bad a** image just to be with me, and flirt around in public?”
He looked down at our hands where they were entwined. “If you would let me.”
“Maybe,” I whispered as I looked into his silver eyes. “But, no matter it would have to be after the concert.”
“You mean your still going to go on the date.” He whimpered
I nodded.
“Why?” He wondered as took his hands away from my grasp.
I inhaled deeply. “It’s not what your thinking. I havn’t randomly grown some feelings for Wraith, it’s just for Faay,” I knew the words that I was saying to him were going to cause him pain so I grabbed his face and smiled. “If it makes you feel better, the only reason I agreed to this whole fiasco was if it was a group thing. That’s why I invited you.”
He sighed in defeat. “It doesn’t make me feel better, but it does make sense.”
I nodded.
“So we stay a secret.” He whispered in defeat.
I nodded. “At least until I say so.” I whispered as I looped my fingers through his belt loops and pulled him into my body again and captured his lips before he could say anything more on the subject.
That motion was quickly dismissed as Damon finally pushed away again.
“Rena,” He whispered between prolonged breaths. “I can’t concentrate.”
“That’s the point Damon, were together, that’s all that should be on your mind.”
“Do you really not want to be with me?” He wondered raising one of his perfect eyebrows.
I paused for a long moment should I tell him the truth or flat out lie?
Oh right, Truth.
“Physically yes, mentally not so much.” I answered all to truthfully.
The look he gave me made me want to laugh, he was so confused.
“Look Damon,” I started before he got angry. No guy would take that as a good thing. “I've seen the way that you treat the girls you date. If they don‘t give it up, in the end you eventually leave them with nice words and then you make your way to my bed.” I placed my palm to his chest and pushed him back. “What makes me different, how do I know for sure that your not going to find another Mistress, once were the official couple?”
“None of them were you?” He stated honestly. “I’m happy with you.” He clenched his fists and looked away. “When I’m with those other girls, they don’t make me laugh like you do. You don’t hide anything from me, and I don’t have to hide from you.”
“What kind of evidence is there that will make me think that if we were together it would be any different. I mean your already getting the physical part without the ‘togetherness’ that you want oh so bad.” I whispered trying to fight back. “None of that jealously crap.”
“Ren,” Damon hissed. “You can’t tell me that you never get jealous of the girl that I bring around.”
“No Damon,” I lied. “When we first started this, I told myself that no matter how close we got I would never fall in love with you more then I already had at that moment” I looked into his heavenly eyes and continued to lie through my teeth. “I know that you like what you can’t have, and even though you can have the physical, it’s killing you because I’m not giving myself completely over to you.”
“That‘s not true.” He growled.
“Prove it to me then.” I insisted. “Make me feel that you want me, show me the softer side of Damon, prove that your not afraid to be with me in public.” I growled as I opened the back door to the Library. “Tonight when we go out, treat me like you would if you were taking me out on a date.”
“Fine,” He hissed. “I will make you fall in love with me.” He whispered as he walked past me into the large room.
I smiled, the butterflies that were starting to grow in my stomach were the result of the new game that I didn’t even realize that I created. I grabbed Damon quickly before he walked to far and pulled him back into the darkness of the back and pushed him up against a bookshelf. I kissed him one last time before releasing him.
“I look forward to it.” I whispered as I winked at him and walked away.
Damon staid back to recover from the initial surprise.
After saying goodbye to everyone I started to make my way to the front of the school where my driver was already waiting for me.
He stepped out of the car and opened the back door.
I got in and got comfortable. It was going to be a long ride.
Rosewood Heights was an hours drive from the main city. It was placed up in the mountains where the air was clean and the stay in patients were safe from the toxins of the everyday city life.
Luckily I wasn't bad enough to have to be a stay in patient yet, not like patient 0. Whom I still hadn't met.
The scenery driving up the mountain was so breath taking. It was the only thing that really kept my mind off things.
I leaned my head on my elbow and looked down at my phone that persistently kept buzzing.
Damon had been texting me over and over since I walked away from him. Telling me over and over that he was sorry, but he really wanted us to be exclusive.
I hadn't texted him back though. That is until he last message.
'I'm coming over. I need to see you.'
My heart lodged in my throat. I had to tell him that I wasn't home. But, then he would ask me where I was. Then I would have to go on a whole other string of lies. Ugh, this was getting so complicated.
I settled with not messaging him back. He could go to my house and see that I wasn't there on his own.
A couple minutes after I turned off my phone the card drove through the wrought iron gate.
Slowly the hospital came into view. It was a small office, but was very popular so it's 40 beds were most always being used.
The driver stepped out of the car and headed over to my side and opened my door.
“I'll be waiting out here Miss. Sarai.”
I nodded and grabbed my bag and headed into the office.
The blonde nurse at the front smiled and me and grabbed my chart almost immediately.
“Your in for a treat today Rena.”
I raised my eye brows at her and smiled. “Oh yeah?”
Her cheeks flushed with color as she looked away.
I was confused now.
“You must be Rena Sarai.” A velvet voice stated from behind me.
I turned around to face the man who had just mad himself known to me.
Honestly he made me a bit speechless. “Who are you?” I finally squeezed out.
“My name is Dr. Ero, I am going to be taking over the study from now on.”
“What happened to Dr. Ceres?” I wondered raising an eyebrow.
He just smiled and ran his fingers through his sandy blond hair. “He's around, but he's just going to be taking a step back for the moment.”
Dr. Ero stepped back and made room for me.
“Shall we?”
I nodded and started heading towards the back office. “So what's on the agenda today?”
“Well I thought that I would just use today to get to know your background.”
“Don't you have my file?” I wondered as I sat down in one of the leather chairs that he had in the office.
“Yes, but I don't like getting to know anybody through a file. That's just how some people see the person, I would just like to get an outline of you without any help.”
Made sense.
That whole appointment Dr. Ero, or Leon, got to know me. He asked so many questions that it made my head spin, but by the end I had started to get to know him too. He had three other step siblings from his father’s second marriage. He was the oldest by a couple years, he was about to turn twenty-six, his youngest sibling had just turned nine.
To tell you the truth, it was the first time in a long time that I felt like i was truly being listened too.
- by DreamLandMassacre |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/23/2014 |
- Skip

- Title: Red string of Fate
- Artist: DreamLandMassacre
- Description: Chapter one part III
- Date: 01/23/2014
- Tags: string fate romance love
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