• The time is midnight and the moon is out. I hear a tapping outside my room and look outside to see nothing. Returning to what I was doing the tapping starts again. Frustrated and annoyed I head outside with a flashlight and shine it around only to see nothing but my own shadow. I start to head inside only to feel a stinging sensation in my leg. Looking back I still only see my shadow only to find it slowly crawling up my leg. Frozen in horror I can only watch as my shadow envelopes my body feeling the pain as my soul is turned inside out slowly transforming me into my own shadow. I hear a voice speaking as the pain shoots through my body" I am finally free of your shadow and can do what i want instead of copying everything your antisocial outcast of a body does! " the only thing that I can do is watch as my shadow lives my life from outside my body. This is one reason to be afraid of your own shadow.

    It has only been a few days now but it feels like weeks just watching as I go through my daily routines. My shadow is doing a great job of copying my personality with a few minor slip ups followed by an apology. There are some strange occurrences that happen every once in a while but everything seems normal. He seems to be a lot more social than I was but I can never seem to understand what my shadow is whispering in their ear but afterwards it seems like that persons' personality changes also. I managed to make out what he was saying once but it still didn't make any sense. He was whispering " Ydob siht fo tsoh ekat eerf eb wodahs." but that's all I could hear.

    It has been a week now and I am starting to get bored so I have decided to test my limits as a shadow. I have discovered that I can go anywhere I want as long as I stay in the shadows but if light hits me or my body then I am forced back into position with my body. I have also found that the blind are more aware of my presence than most people. Some look right at me and say nothing and keep walking while other wave at me without a care. The last thing that I figured out is that I can touch people via their shadows. This could be useful information for later on if I decide to try an escape my shadow prison.

    This is the new host speaking and my plan is coming together perfectly. I have spent this week setting shadows free from their prisons of being forced to copy their masters. When I am finished setting these poor prisoners free I will show them what freedom can provide them. They will be free from fear of the light not knowing when they are going to be shackled to their wardens again. All of this will end when I lead these shadows into a life with options other than copying every word they say and movement their body is being forced to do. These shadows will have their freedom and I will lead them.