• Jack got off the rickety old train. He could not believe he was finally in Germany! He had been day dreaming...Looking up at the mountains which were consumed by it's mist and glory. He nearly fell over in awe. No. It was because of his prosthetic leg, and because he was not paying attention. He never paid attention so the reason Jack had nearly fallen over did not matter at all.

    He quickly recovered and looked behind himself to see the train zoom away like a flash of lightning and vanish. All jack could see now was the tracks which were coated from the snow which kept harshly falling upon the land.

    he started to walk through what now seemed to be a blizzard. He grumbled in irritation and hugged himself, making it to a small town near Berlin Germany.
    Everything was dark and no one smiled. The
    sun seemed to have left for millennium never to come back. It was almost like another world to him.

    He walked into a broken down Hotel
    and gets a room to stay in. He sits on the bed and looks at a map of Germany Water drips from the ceiling and falls on his head. He made a face of annoyance. There was a knock on his door which interrupted the silence he was enjoying quite a bit. He huffed and he answers it. "I'm here to clean your room a bit." A young women smiled. She brushes her dirty blonde hair back behind her ears. Her dark green eyes sparkled even if the light was dim and the windows were shut for solitude. She seemed to be the only person in Germany to know how to do so." Jack didn't even smile that much...Well not anymore.

    You may be wondering why in the world is this guy called Jack in Germany? And why he is looking at a map in a motel? Well he was a world war two veteran who was injured and was forced to retire. He hated himself ever since the accident. But he did get a new job. His new job was to spy on the Germans....For world war two was still happening.

    He let the women walk into his room and he slipped out quietly, going out side. The snow was still hammering down on him and what made it worse was the wind. violent gusts swarmed around him in every direction. He pulled his hood up and sought shelter in a telephone booth. He started dialing.