Here in this division we may be from different factions, we could've come from one of the paladin ranks among the Monarchy, we may have taken a contract to work along side the proud mercenaries of OllinTek's Raider Corps., we could also have come from wolf pack of Chimera's Predatory pack, but most of us are also from the various military branches around the world and we're all here to work together to fight a much different enemy, although much of their existence is currently unknown to us, we've all have collaborations with each government and the three factions who are still at war with each other because this new enemy has made themselves present and have shown what they were capable of, even though we've only seen two of them, but, they have warned us that there are 10 more within their "Block" as to what they've said before they've departed. Now as new recruits to this division the way things work around here is just like any other jobs we've done, you do your job, keep your missions classified from outside contacts I.E. new friends, cover job co-workers, etc. and I know that leaving your friends and family was a hard decision and a difficult one at best, their security and safety is important due to the threat we are tasked to fight against.
As of yesterday, I'm sure you've all seen the video footage of the two contacts that the French Interpol has faced during the Summer of June [redacted], you've seen what these two can do and although members of OllinTek were there to support local law enforcements in the battle numbers alone didn't do much anything even though they've taken out one contact, so as I've said before, we're here to deal with this new threat, but in secret because Paris will never be the same and the damage that has been done is far worse if we allow three or more of them to spring up another battle or worse. So let's make that event a reminder that if we don't do our job, lives could be lost and the higher ups wouldn't want to receive bad news so remember to do your job right and never make a mistake on your part.
Well I know it's the first week of your week of training, but, you'll get the hang of it and once another week has passed you'd act like you're back workin at your old job only with new faces and people from different departments and companies, so again remember to do your jobs right, respect your co-workers and squad members, and well don't get killed out there. Alright guys your dismissed.
- by InKeyedFantasy |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/25/2015 |
- Skip
- Title: A Graveyard Loom
- Artist: InKeyedFantasy
There is a sub-division of which is created to deal and prevent the Entity Block from doing what their doing, which in turn means that if 3 or more members of the Block were to prepare for a full scale battle, then these individuals within the Loom must stop all work and focus on preventing whatever the member of the Block is about to do in our... oh so peaceful society.
Here's a speech from the Director of Graveyard Loom, Col. Hughes [redacted]
Archived by Secretary [redacted] - Date: 06/25/2015
- Tags: graveyard looms division splinter faction
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