Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Lost Love by Seraphina Throne
- hope u like it!! ;3
- What you want it to be...... by Dead goth chick
- this is just some thing i threw to gether you can name it
- Story of when I was 5 yrs old by Xsilver_cloudX
- When I was in the car.
- Mechanized Humanoids by Ammiel Azarel
- Its a poem about being overwhelmed with media and technology to the point of becoming a mindless tool.
- the last human by Taydz
- My english assignment for school we needed to write an original 1000 word story on belonging this is the piece i will be submitting, it took me 3.5 hrs to complete from beginning to end. please comment all feedback welcome. h...
- Signs of The Times by I Nina Kodaka I
- When will Jesus come? what will be the signs of the coming and of the end of the age. all things are anwswered here from Matthew:24
- Words from the concrete by Tank Wolf
- I find that at the strangest times I can take the simplest things and discover the deep reasoning behind why it occurred, or I might just be rambling.
- Blooming Love by Lost Soul 1991
- I came up with this short story this morning before class. Read it....Rate it.....Leave a comment it you want.
- Plans (others) by emo skater__gurl2114
- Gods plans and what i've come up with
- dfdf by gctestmar3
- df
- anywere by danger_addict
- true..very true..
- The surruondings by xXx_ DeathCrusher_ xXx
- this is about my surroundings in life
- SERGIO v3.7 A Remarkable AI by TheLittlestBoxer111
- It was a news paper article I have written. This nominated me to be captin of the news paper club at school.
- Words by AndKayleeWasLike
- About a friend. We dated. Well, i wouldnt call it a date. More or less pathetic, on his part. When we dated, it was on a Friday. After the Friday, there was a week off for mid-winter break. When we got back, this happened. Th...
- ssds by ie7testmar19aa
- sds
- Fall apart by xX-Devils-Luv-Xx
- For that someone ;)
- A young girl's life by I-IO3
- A story about a young girl's life.
- bloody love,forbidden love,lov by Nerdylozer
- i left you all hanging with erin in the hosbital see what happen next sorry it took so long bran block ps:please forgive the grammer and spelling and dont tell me its has bad grammer or spelling i already know u dont have to ...