Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Edgar Allan Poe by MasterThespian_10
- This is an essay I wrote for my english class last year. In my opinion it is the best I have ever written and I wanted to get further feedback on it. Granted it is rather lengthy but I'm sure that people will enjoy it nonethe...
- Survival Part 2 by alienace 112
- The Sequel to the awesome prequel
- illness by Forever_in_Laffter
- plz pry for Ashton.
- England Bound by AlchemistBLUE
- Earlier my fiance left for his home and I'm heart broken. It's just my thoughts and sadness.
- We create the world we live in by CheesecakeOfAwsome
- In this text, I am bringing Michael Jackson story first but the important ins the meaning behind, based on what I learned from him, what i taught me through his music and life
- SENS Foundation by Madara_the_uchiha
- this is a slight introduction of what the scientist ( including myself) found about cancer.