• She picks up the newest volume of
    Skip Beat and puts it in her pile.
    She finds Love Mode number five as
    she finds books to distract her for a while.
    She should be working on
    a paper due in a week.
    Instead she drowns her intellect in
    books and grande mochas
    while real life outside of Books-A-Million
    goes on.

    T.V. time is spent flipping from cartoon to cartoon.
    Sailor moon may not be on,
    but her sense of reality is just as gone.

    Check her bookshelf and you will see
    the piles of manga that range from A to Z.
    She’s got Angel Sanctuary and Air Gear
    leading up to Zetsuai Bronze and Zodiac P.I.

    In her collection you will also find,
    a little bit of shota and yuri from like minds.
    She reads a little, writes a lot more and
    won’t accepts the curse of nevermore.

    She buys what she can and reads what she wants.
    No job, no money she has, but yet she still flaunts
    her new book,
    the not-so brand new yaoi release from BluManga,
    the latest Innocent Bird.

    Her DVDs are more varied but as you may have guessed,
    to anime, she always says yes.
    This is the girl who spent fifty-five dollars and zero cents
    on a box set collection that she only watched once.
    See her common sense go out of the window
    and hit the ground running.

    She downloads her anime like it’s going
    out of style
    and if it wasn’t for her mother,
    she’d be scraping off bedsores for a while.
    Lazy she is and she’ll always be
    as long as she has access to anime
    on TV.