• I saw a play
    It was a good play, about an hour long
    It had a story

    The story was of an unaccepted child
    Scared of what the truth might bring to him
    Every once in a while, he would dream of telling the truth
    Telling it to everyone

    But he never did
    He went through life, just like everyone else
    He was like everyone else, just different

    The child grew into a teenager
    And then he found her
    Boy, did he love her
    But he forced himself not to

    Why did he never tell her he loved her?
    Just because he was different?
    That is not a good excuse
    Yet, it was the only excuse

    Life is strange, isn't it
    How a poem with such a simple meaning can be misunderstood
    How a poem can strike such emotions in some people
    And yet, be meaningless to others

    I wish I had seen that play