Tall towering structures
    Made of metal and wood
    Glass and more materials
    They can be seen anywhere around the world
    Wherever you go, you will always find them
    Huge blocks of concrete where people live in
    Noise here
    Noise there
    Everywhere, there is concrete, only a few dots of green can be seen
    Millions of people moving and rushing to work just like little ants
    Wearing suits and ties and dresses that are worn on special occasions
    Carrying their handy suitcases that contain their life, their money and their work
    Yellow cars race to their customers to earn the money that gives them happiness
    They reach the place where they work tirelessly day and night; inside there's a lot of desks
    At night, the noise that these hardworking people ignore, dies into an eerie silence
    Balancing the organized chaos that ensues every morning as the rush hour begins
    The sun rises again and there are no roosters to crow
    Instead they are awakened by the horns of angry cars
    That grind against each other every single morning
    Between the large blocks of concretes are dark and narrow alleys
    Where the back doors of bars and other establishments usually are
    Where fights begin and life ends, the playground of rats and roaches
    Trash here
    Trash there
    In corners that are ignored
    In corners that are unclean
    Where the impure gathers.
    It is surprising how people can withstand
    The smell of smoke, trash and dead flesh
    In exchange for a supposedly happy life.
    Everyday people move into the city.
    Everyday people move out of the city.
    Whatever happens, I will never trade
    A tiny room with no space
    From the house I live in now
    A big house with a big yard
    A safe place that’s peaceful
    Even if it is day
    Even if it’s night
    Quiet here
    Clean here