• My days and nights were simple,
    I had everything where i wanted it to.
    Be but these smiling eye came to me one day.
    And something in me was set free.
    Something i had put away.
    Never wanted it to come out again.
    But thoese eyes were very special.
    And in them i found a friend.
    A friend i feel very comfortable with.
    As if we've know each for so long.
    When i am near you.
    I feel as i could never do any wrong.
    You must be a very special person.
    Especially if you make me feel this way.
    When i think of you my friend.
    Its just brightens up my day My heart feels so much stronger.
    I have the desire to once more give.
    Its almost as i am liveing in the past, For this is how i once lived.
    Thank you for being you.
    In my life i hope you always play a part.
    But no matter whta life may bring me.
    You'll always be in my heart!