• Rivals

    A battle rages.Two sides conflict with one another

    For the right of supremacy.

    Of one army, the commaner spoke and introduced herself,

    The opposing commander followed suit.

    As they both drew out their swords, the real Battle


    The slaughter, the massacre, goes on the devastated

    Plains of Japan.

    Limbs, organs, the most gore you would ever


    In the distance, no one but the two leaders were


    Sakura was pitted against her enemy, Tetsuko.

    Tetsuko was the finest man in the army. He

    Could strike his opponent down in a moment.

    Swords clashed between the two samurai.

    Both slashed to the best of their abilities.

    Later, there were deep cuts on each of their flesh.

    Sakura slowly felt her heartbeat fading away.

    She knew her time had come.

    Tetsuko advised the girl that the only way to save

    Herself was through seppuku.

    Thoughts ran through Sakura's head, a

    Will to fight. But she knew he was right.

    Besides, it was the only way to preserve her honor.

    But still, could there have been another way?

    Run away? No, she couldn't do that. It woul be a sign

    Of cowardice.

    Sakura thought, but to no avail. There was no other way.

    She took the dagger in her blood-stained hands.

    So, Sakura took Tetsuko's advice and did the Honorable


    She took her own life.