• Terrible,painful,slowy gathered silence.
    We all have it, deep inside our angry flames.
    Unkown to others but well known to you
    It increases everyday, until you let it all loose.
    They push you,they poke you,they get on your nerves.
    But from your silent tears, they do not hear a word.

    Anxious to let it go, but afraid it might hurt,
    the lonely warrior stands alone with no one to call for help.
    The sadened eyes had searched too far and in the end it all was in vain.
    As dat and night go by,we ache of pain
    and now we realize it hurts the heart inside.

    We love no more,instead we hate
    It changed so fast our lovely fate.
    Our throats hurt and do not dare to speak
    Staring and observing their every single move.
    We see through their lives and get it right,as if we were superb.

    We still don't speak, if it ment our lives.
    And till this day we hold our hate
    We stand in back,we say not one word
    Our hearts explode and all theres left is a black hole.
    We wait for the day our shining stars arrive
    To vanish away our deadly silence.