• I went for a ride,
    A ride called "Suicide"

    Full of blood, pain, and hurt,
    I treated myself like dirt.
    Not caring about how I looked,
    Or even reading my favorite book.

    But one night, I had a scheme,
    To put myself outta my misery.
    But I slept instead, I was so weary.
    I had a dream.

    That dream, was so strange,
    I was walking down a lane.
    Lying on the ground, was a gun.
    "Well, this will be fun."

    I picked it up and looked in wonder.
    It was perfect, I wouldn't make a blunder.
    I put the cool barrel to my head,
    Pulled the trigger that declared myself dead.

    The pleasure, it was like smoking a cigarette,
    Something that I would never regret.
    "This is it, The End," I said
    But the dream didn't end yet.

    Up and up my spirit rose,
    Till I got to God's throne.
    "You are young," he said, "But your time has come."
    "Your life on this earth is done."

    Then the heavenly gates had opened.
    "But w-wait!" I had spoken.
    "I'm not ready to go!"
    "My life means so much more!"

    I looked at Him, and he smiled,
    "You have made a good decision, child."
    Finally, I had awaken,
    I was crying and shaking.

    But I didn't feel so blue.
    For I knew that dream must be true.
    God didn't want me up there,
    He wanted me down here.

    And now I walk down the road of life,
    Trying hard to make it right.