• if a-->b and b-->c, then a-->c

    It's coldcold- cold because it's wet. Like, the pavement,
    when it's black- it's wetwet- wet because it rained.
    The tile is green

    Everything is an odd- not- even-
    no one seems to want to smile- we all just frown
    at each other- smother the little bright pinpricks
    of lightlight- like the little happy things
    that could be.

    This makes me unhappy.
    It's an ugly green, too.

    The grain of wood- if you look close enough-
    it's little round circles [not real] it's- fake.
    They use fake paper to make fake wood.
    It's a table, I mean. It's a classroom table,
    a computer table. With computers.

    They're fake too.
    Made out of plastic and metal [and little gold
    wires, on the inside] whose to say that they are real?
    No one ever told me that, anyways.
    It's an ugly tile.