• I'm trembling,'cause with Paul we fought
    weird...why is everything so black?
    And small,and way too hot
    where are my clothes,the ones that i lack
    what are these new smells
    why are all these hairs on me & so long
    everything is looks...clearer
    Damn,I feel strong!
    Where's Bella!(I yell)
    but instead,I howl
    What the hell!
    What's that bad fowl
    I'll kill him if he hurts her!
    But I care about Bella's feelings more
    "Come back!"says Embry
    They're right there by the shore
    Man,does that breeze feel good
    look at Paul,all scratched up
    as I look at my hands,I look like an animal
    a DOG,that looked up...
    as Bella left;with the Bloodsucker
    I was more torn up than Paul
    so I ran & ran away from the others
    my body's heavier so I have to haul
    Goodbye Bella,my love
    it's my heart from your heart that has to fall.