• Put your head down and be sliced
    By a thousand different memories of times
    You dared to be off and dared to defy
    The stolen rights of those in control.
    Dead to the world/Dead to the day
    Sleep a bit and let the pain/fade.
    Tie yourself to the razorblades
    Don't move an inch/it isn't safe.
    Can you feel yourself slipping away?
    Look at me and let your skin chafe
    Bleed with the need for all this/change
    Don't do this to me/don't touch me - PLEASE

    He cried out and the world wouldn't/listen
    They say it's because he's too damn/different
    He's the one that we all idolize
    He's the one that they all crucified.
    On the wooden pikes with love
    Through the nails that they have shoved
    Forgotten blood dries on the palms of the wounded
    He's the lamb/he's the loser
    They all say he spews forth lies
    They all lie to their own/demise
    He's the king, he brings salvation
    His ribs that shattered are the new nations.

    Find yourself in his haggard face
    Now, as he nears his glory days
    Crown of thorns and split side
    You can scream and you can chide
    He will listen to your pleas for mercy
    Disregard that old blanket of hate
    He doesn't know when you'll finally see
    That when you struck his face...out burst light.