I seem to have lost my muse!
Did i forget to pay my dues?
Perhaps if I kneel and make a prayer
Nope. Still nothing there.
Maybe if I spin around
And around and around and around
Oof! Ow! Nothing but the ground.
Over here? Over there? Where?!
Hm, maybe somewhere downstairs?
Cobwebs, spiders, eeeek! A bat!!
Quick! Run! Get away from that!!
Wait, what was I looking for? Oh right my muse
So I can go and write something new!
Not under the cat, not under the dog,
Not in a tree, or under a log.
Not in the pot, the kettle, or even the flue.
What, oh what ever shall I do?
My pages are blank, white, and glaring!
My cursor is blinking, almost daring.
It's daring me to fail, to not write a thing!
Oh! I could never live with such a sting!
Help me! Help me! My muse where are you?
Don't leave me abandoned and lost even too!
Wait! The table! Are you under there?!
YES! YES! You fell when I left my chair!
Oh my muse how I missed you so!
Let's go and make my pages glow.