• There's a time in everyone's life
    Where they simply wanna die...
    So sick of crying,
    Tired of lying,
    Nowhere to run or hide.
    But, the, after a while
    Someone special makes you smile...
    Tears are gone,
    Visions are spun...
    Happiness is the only factor now.
    But, again, a false feeling is lost
    And at a great cost,
    You lose something you once held dear.
    When it's gone,
    You know it's lost-
    Your heart's heavy beating
    Echoeing in an empty chest...
    Crying out,
    But no one can hear.
    Like being abandoned and left with your fears...
    Never resting,
    Someone always testing your patience...
    You wish you could go back and fix what you've done,
    But you can't. So you sit and wait anxiously
    By their locker the next day and try to make up, and replace the pain...