• ~Fail to understand
    The concept of friendship,
    More like friend-s**t...~

    Got a call from Johnny,
    I thought I knew him,
    He confided his love to me,
    He was my friends cousin.
    He was Darren,
    Never talked to his cousin Michelle again.

    Hung out with Rachel
    On some Saturday,
    She told me that she poisoned her family
    With this strange concoction,
    Told me she'd never poison me,

    Barfing 24/7

    There was Matt,
    I knew since 3rd grade
    Told'm I was just a friend,
    Asked me out the next day,
    Telling me about sex with his ex boyfriend.
    I told him to ******** off.

    Was my best friend since middle school,
    Hung out with him all the time
    I thought he liked me,
    Then he spent the night,
    And never talked to me again.

    Then there was Lindzee,
    Bright as can be,
    Dark from the inside and bright on the out
    Death marks her mind,
    What is she to say when it's over?

    Friends are good to have at times,
    but the rarity of them lasting
    is really unlikely.