• The adrenaline rushed through my system like the rapids in a river
    Tonight was the night I had to prove myself worthy
    My title?
    Props Master

    Every week I ran back and forth helping with costumes and putting props together
    Learning my cues and when to take the props back down to the greenroom
    Making sure that everything was in place

    The audience roared, a full house
    My heart raced, but I was ready
    Scene one was underway

    Scene two, come and gone
    Scene three, scene four kinda slow
    Scene five waiting for all those rags
    Scene six all done

    *gasp* Intermission
    Let it all out take a deep breath
    Next scene, Prom, everything's set

    Scene seven long and boring...
    The ceiling's rattling as they hand jive
    Take cover the fire sprinklers are coming down!

    Scene eight all the guys are laughing
    While the girls are in a hurry
    And I'm still running

    Scene nine the picnic, gotta get all the food
    Oh shoot! I forgot the guitar!!
    Getting yelled at, hope this over soon

    Scene ten almost there, one more scene
    Scene eleven, yes! I did it! All the work is done!
    Bringing up that last crate a smile snuck across my face

    The curtain call, cheering everyone after their great performance
    When we went out it was amazing
    Everyone in the audience was calling out to us

    Going down the thanks came rushing in
    Smiles were being passed around like new friendships being made

    I had done it
    I conquered my quest of being props master
    What's that you say? Two more nights of this?!
    Oh no!!