• Laying in an icy chamber
    Although, I don't know it exist
    My mind clouded and confused
    My heart swells to feel the pain
    It still doesn't show itself
    Memories and the truth is unbearble
    I am better aware then I was when I first fell
    Into the black pit of despair

    Too many realizations and fears
    Sucks me dry
    Am I numb?
    I can't tell
    I know that there is others
    I don't care
    I only want to be with you now
    I know, that it doesn't matter
    Towards the end.

    I know I was never truly happy
    Like I thought I was before
    I met you
    You cared so much
    I saw it in your eyes
    I finally belong
    With you, and the best friends I could asked for
    But the cycle repeats, everything seems
    to crash.
    I grew agiated and restless
    My mind can't turn itself off
    Thinking too much
    You did so much
    I can't forget
    I don't want to

    that everyone that I cared for
    and theirs all dying.
    Yet you were the last one
    I had to see
    I don't understand
    why it had came to me.