• Nothing is simple anymore.
    Yesterday is past, today is future,
    Tomorrow is imagination.
    Where to go we do not know.

    Memories will come and go,
    Like water that slips through
    Your fingers and money through
    Your pocket or purse.

    Eating ice-cream or playing
    With a pet is not simple anymore.
    There is always something in the way,
    For right or wrong we do not know.

    Friends will come and go, like
    Your favorite doll or toy car you
    Always carried but now is lost and forgotten
    Buried somewhere in the yesterday that
    Is now past.

    Nothing is simple anymore.
    All we can do is wish.
    Wish and hope that someday all will be simple.
    Simple enough that the destination
    We seek will be neatly laid before our eyes
    Without worries or sorrows.