• You caress the stars whose fire glows
    Like the beating of a heart,
    Life's blood,
    A river untameable,
    A soul unconquerable,
    A friend to renewal
    Representative of the mighty rebirth.

    Dark shadows play as the smell of old books kisses the air,
    Dancing in tune to the music as the fragrance of the books and the candles
    Rested beside me rise, the smoke curling and twisting upwards,
    The light making things seem almost comically grim.

    Meditating, hunting for peace, I see your face and smile
    For what is that face but peace itself?
    Warmth and kindness, tragic eyes that light up like a match to a candle wick.

    Floating, weightless, I extend my hand to your vision,
    A tear slips down my cheek, barely noticeable
    As I reach for you and all that you represent,
    As I dream of you again.

    Night beats against the window as I try in vain
    To drive it back with the meager light of the candles.
    Warm blankets and old books
    Candy red candle wax,
    I am home again in this tomb
    Swirling with the smoke,
    Swirling with the peace,
    Resting again.