• She sits silently in her room

    The sounds a mumbling haze

    The sights a blurry whirlwind

    The cold apathy trying to protect her

    Like a suit of armour of the mind

    Built of all the things she used to feel

    Pain, Frustration, Struggle

    The things she convinced herself she has defeated

    With her suit of armour

    But the coolness she now feels

    The cold hallowness that now exists

    Is Anguish in disguise

    The ultimate suffering

    She is being eaten alive

    By the offspring of agony

    Her inner demons now taking control

    Whispering inside her ear

    Convincing her that she can end the war

    A crimson waterfall

    Is the sight of betrayal

    Her soul mourns in darkness

    The last of her sanity warning her

    To stop at once

    She is torn apart

    Let it end tonight