• I remember, there used to be people who saved other people.
    A person would help a complete stranger for no reward
    Other than a relived sigh and a hasty “Thank you.”
    People who started fights ended them.
    People who did crimes paid the price and where punished,
    And they didn’t pay a price to get out of punishment.
    People had food to eat, water to drink, clothes to wear.
    People actually had homes to go to, family to see, a life to live.
    Kids didn’t sit out on the streets with guns and weed.
    Bombs didn’t fly through the air like mosquitoes; to harmful to be ignored,
    But common enough to be called indigenous.
    Time has proven to be running out.
    People aren’t people anymore.
    All that is left is murderous animals.
    Soulless creatures with a mind only for themselves.
    Nothing is left to save.
    Humanity is gone.