• These words are from my heart
    Every Single word
    I mean it from my heart.
    Because you could see
    howmuch you mean to me.
    and I wish I could see..
    what I mean to you..

    So, these are the words..

    I love you with all my heart
    Since the first day we met.
    I wish it was you, I'm saying this to..
    I wish you were here with me..
    because everynight..
    I can't sleep
    because I keep thinking if I'll ever see you again
    If you even love me like I love you..

    everytime we talk..
    I try to hide how I feel
    but I just can't..
    I wish I could tell you how I feel..
    I wish I could tell you how much I love you..
    but I'm scared of your answer..
    what if you don't feel the same..
    I wont know what to do anymore..
    because you're nothing like anyother guy..
    you're different..you made me feel safe..
    and that's why I love you..

    Everyone tells me I should let go..
    but I dont want to..
    because I can't..
    with feelings this strong..
    nothing can let go..

    I wish I can be the one..
    I wish I can be the one you love..
    The one you can't stop thinking of..
    the one you can't stop talking about..

    I just want to know that I mean something to you..
    because being far away apart hurts so much..
    but if I knew that I mean something to you..
    then that won't matter..
    because then..
    I'll know that i'm there in your heart..
    and you're here in my heart..

    I love you so much
    and I hope one day you will see that..
    because I'll wait forever for that day..
    If I let go, then I wont find anyone else like you..
    I still have hope..
    so, I'm hoping for that day to come..
    until then..I will say that I love you with all my heart..
    and I will never give up..
    because you're the only one..
    that has my heart..

    These words are my heart..
    These words are my life..
    I hope you will see that someday..

    I love you.