• The world is full of darkness,
    Death and despair run wild,
    I sit and remove the harness,
    From the body of my deceased child,
    Howling through the pain I feel,
    Sitting and wondering,
    How can this be real,
    My son is dead and gone,
    Taken from this world too soon,
    This all just feels so wrong,
    He was barely even two,
    Why was my son torn away from me,
    I fail to see the reason why,
    A kitten as young as he,
    Was fated to die,
    I lay beside his lifeless body,
    As I continue to weep,
    For this truly senseless tragedy,
    But his memory I shall always keep,
    In my heart he will stay,
    My kitten; my son,
    I love you forever and always,
    R.I.P Jakyl Demonic Broughton
    S.Cabral 6/11/09