• If the world is sooooo! Pure
    An if the world is sooooo! Clean
    Why can’t the peace come?
    Wouldn’t it be easy to bring.

    In my heart I feel, the pain of a thousand knifes
    As I hear the sirens, of billions broken and strived
    In this war we fight, where will it lead?
    Because so far all I see, is pain and it’s greed.

    Guns go off as the fire surrounds
    As the blood of the innocent spills to the ground
    Because god what are we fighting for?
    God what are we dieing for?

    Loosing our children every day, loosing our friends along the way
    Because no one will stop it, it’s like nobody cares
    Only one aware is death who we, he ensnares
    In his web of twisted lies, in his web the devil cries.

    I smell it the deadly smoke that’s in the air, it’s suffocating life it declares
    As I move my hands across the tough brick walls
    With my bitter humor I make a joke, that we all will croak
    Because what stands tall must go down, dragging us all under ground.

    I can taste the bitterness, the sourness of the fruit
    As I see the world, with it’s petty old disputes
    And all it’s useless lies
    This whole generation, will we meet our demise?

    Things we don’t see coming, things that tear us apart
    Have you ever seen your best friend get shot?
    Did you see it coming, did you feel the pain?
    The one that came, it didn’t have a name.

    It’s just like a roller coaster, you want to get off
    Yet after all those, twists and turns you feel lost
    You wonder what to do, where to go, where to stay?
    But nothing will stop the pain anyway.

    Your just another everyday kangaroo
    One that lost its spring, may I remind you
    This world has crippled you, put you in doubt
    You feel your wings will never sprout.

    We hear the whispers, the sound of despise
    But what about them, the ones who will die
    We cannot warn them, because we they cannot hear
    We just listen to the sound of their high-pitched fear.

    So what can we do?
    Who can we save?
    If we’ll die tomorrow or today
    In this heartless prison, where nobody listens.

    Well here’s what I’m going to do
    I’m going to write, I will write about this endless fight
    I will keep writing and I will go on
    Because I know this generation will be strong.

    Just watch as us children attend our school
    So...America in this land called the free, wait till we graduate then you’ll see
    We the prospect of this world’s eye, T-R-U-S-T and you will see
    We are the world’s next opportunity.