• A Writers Dream

    I once met this girl
    At just the age of thirteen
    Her dreams reached up to the sky
    And she never let a day just pass by

    Every day she went to school
    Learning all she could
    Because she thought it was cool
    To be understood
    In a way here friends never could

    Her teachers applauded this girl
    They understood her all to well
    Each and every day that went by
    It always hurt that someday she had to say goodbye

    When this girl went home from school
    Thinking about all the things she learned
    She would sit in a chair
    Just a foot from her bed

    Take out a book
    And she read read read
    Each page filled with wonder
    Each word filled with laughter
    As she silently laughed to herself

    Her father far away
    And a mother that worked all day
    A sister that always made her mad
    And a life that always made her sad

    Every time she opened a book
    Flipped though the pages
    Knowing the words by heart

    Nothing could stop this girl when she read
    She went to a world with wonder instead of dread
    Made her feel well when she tossed and turned in her head

    One day this girl thought in her herself
    "What if I could go to a world unlike my life
    And take with me words of my own"

    She took out some paper
    She took out a pen
    And started writing ANYTHING that ran though her head

    She made villain's of evil but ever so clever
    Hero's that flied though the sky
    And animals smarter then ever

    That day she new for sure
    Not only that she loved to read
    But she wanted much much more

    This girl said to herself as she drifted off to bed
    "I want to be a writer
    I want to fill the world with happiness"
    When everyone was in a time of pain

    And the people far far away
    Would open her book
    And be home right away

    This girl had a dream
    So she went on her way
    On a yellow brick road

    To a writers dream.