• It started years ago, with a simple act of kindness, perhaps to kind to believe........but she did, it has astonished her, she had never come across someone so kind nor caring. After that it was impossible to forget him, since that day she had harbored feelings for him whether they were admiration for what he did, or happiness because she was close to him. When she was with him she was always her happiest, for she could have the worst day possible and seeing him would make everything right again. She did not known why he had such power over her, she had always thought it was because he was the one that had saved her when no one else could, but that wasn't the case. She soon found that the feeling was not admiration for what he did, but love.....she had fallen in love with him for saving her from the eternal pain she was trapped in. She was not only happy that she was close to him but happy that she could see him smile, and laugh, and be by side side. He had unknowingly made her happier then she had ever been, due to the fact that he had made her so happy, she stood by him though thick and thin, but she felt there was nothing she could do that would repay him for the years of never ending happiness she had recived.