• Why is it so easy to find that state of mind
    Where I'm outside of my guidelines
    That lead me to chime
    Every word of mine
    Where I lead in time
    To end my life.

    When it comes to express all the rest
    Of the happiness under my breast,
    Within my chest it becomes a test
    Where I get an "F" because
    I can't attest to my emotions
    And all of this commotion inside
    Leads to an inevitable explosion
    Where then comes corrosion
    Of every companion I have.

    Because deep down everything I feel
    Everything I confess
    Just feels so fake
    Because I can't make
    This life great
    And I can't shake
    This apathatetic way
    Because happiness is hard to relate
    To this individual.

    I should be happy though because I'm alive...
    That's a lie...
    Because my body rejected itself and started
    Attacking itself and even though I survived it's
    Still something I have to live with.
    Knowing I refuse to accept myself...
    How else am I supposed to feel...