• I wait every day, constantly holding on
    You smile keeps me patient
    I try not to remind myself but it keeps torturing me
    Keep holding my hands to keep your warmth in my palms
    But where are you now

    Remember the first kiss that we kept a secret from our friends
    A blush that locked on our cheeks
    But now I feel the pillow comforting it
    The only thing that will bring back my grin is you
    Tired of these memories wanting you in my reality again
    I want you now

    I was stupid to think if I let you go nothing would change
    Regreting taking your scolding lightly
    I want to tell you this but i'm silenced
    No matter how many words we go back to how were
    If I get another chance, I wont let go so easily

    Now I am lost holding onto what is just a ghost
    I walk down the sidewalk wondering if you're wanting the same as I do
    All this power I have
    I am usless to bring you back in my arms
    Still not willing to face the facts
    Tears still telling me you're gone
    But I will still hold on
    Waiting for you to tell this
    So where are you now?