Well, all I can really say is that since I've closed my Art Shop in the last journal entry, my life has been considerably less stressing in that aspect. I don't have to worry about keeping up with countless art commissions and stressing over who I should be getting to first. I guess it was more work that it was anything else for me now that I look back, cuz although I was willing, doing it for Gaia gold just kinda made it seem more like work than I was willing to commit to at the time. So, I am glad that I closed shop, cuz it gives me more time for friends and me too. wink Gotta take care of myself too. sweatdrop
As for other things, lately I've been working really hard on a manga that me and my friends, Michi_Neko_Chan and inu_panda_chan have been writing for a few months. We finally got some major storyline going and we're acutally turning it into a manga now. whee heart So proud and excited about what we're doing~! This is what I posted in my thread a while back. 3nodding Think of it as a preview of what is to come. xd If you've seen it already, well... I just enjoy making your lives miserable with the anticipation~! twisted heart
My Thread Announcements
May 2, 2005
4laugh heart Here they are~! The first 4 teaser pages of my collaborative manga-in-the-works with my friends Michi_Neko_Chan and inu_panda_chan, "Fallen Beginnings"~!!!! Many thanks to them both and all of our supporters that helped us continuously refine our story. Now, have fun reading them cuz that's all you're going to get for a LONG time! whee xp heart
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So, yeah.... Other than that, I guess there's nothing else to really talk about. I'll be sending in the works for my portfolio for my AP Art/Studio Art test, so wish me luck on that. wink It was sort of a last minute thing that my teacher talked me into, so I'm not sure what's going to happen, but it'll be nice if I pass. rolleyes heart
And that's it. 3nodding See, it wasn't too bad. Given that it's been two weeks almost and I should've written more. rolleyes Ah well, I'll murder you all with my writing later.
See ya~! 4laugh
heart ~*~ K17_K47_K175UN3_CH4N ~*~ heart
Community Member
and technically it me and you working on this the WAYY most but, blame Panda and her work and school schedual.. stare xp