Well, in either case, I woke up at seven and got ready to go. Left the house at around 7:20 AM. Drove on the freeway to school. Got there about 8:40 AM-ish and then headed straight into registration and all that. I had to take the placement Math and English test, too. Knowing as how I hate/suck at math, I did fairly on it. I "require" math skills. rolleyes As for English, I aced that one no problem. Was the only person to get only 3 wrong on the whole test - and the highest result too. twisted I'm so 1337. heart But yeah, all it all, the testing wasn't too bad and I got through them in about an hour or so. (They were not seriously long tests.)
Once that was done, I headed over to see my admissions advisor, Alissa Nicole, and we talked and chatted for a while. During talks about work, school and summer, we also devised my "Perfect Schedule", as Alissa called it. It wasn't that hard to make since the classes I was looking for were offered at most times. So, this is what it came out to be:

Now, this is just my college schedule and my church schedule. My work schedule will be added in once I talk to my boss-lady and work out the times and stuff. Also, this schedule will not come into its entire effect until October 5th, Wednesday. That's my first day of school. In any case, it's good to take note of it. If it ends up changing a bit, I'll update it periodically to let you all know what's going on. 3nodding heart
So... Other than today, most of the week was pretty good. I mean, working with devilish children is a bust, but it's ok. I'm getting pretty used to it now. Not to mention that once this week is over a lot of the kids aren't going to be coming anymore. It's that whole, "Summer's ending so let's all go on a family trip before the kids go back to school," thing. So yeah, a lot of the kids won't be coming back, which equals an easier job for me. rolleyes So yeah, all's good.
The other thing on my mind (well, sorta) is the College Retreat. I already told Michelle the details that I know, but I really want to go to this one. With Michelle too, no doubt. 4laugh heart Cuz I hates her so~! I'd like Pandies to come too... but I'm not sure if she'll be able to. I mean, it's hard enough to Michelle cuz she's got college classes that sorta, well, yes, collide with it... But in either case, I'd like to take as many people with me as I can. Not to mention that I have high hopes that it'll be fun, so yeah. wink All that good stuff. (Watch, I bring my friends and this thing turns out to be boring - I'ma kick some peoples @$$3$~!!) evil xp
Anyways~ ninja biggrin That's all I can think of for now. If something else comes up I'll just comment to this journal to add it on. You'll see. I'll tell you to go read it if it's that important.
'Til later~! 4laugh
heart ~*~ K17_K47_K175UN3_CH4N ~*~ heart
Community Member
Ah well. I cant be angry right now cuz i feel a migrane coming on. gonk evil head.... evil