I've officially made a Ouran Skit I like!!
(C) To me
Haruhi: *listening to Mp3 player listening to love songs*
Twins: Whatcha listening to?
Haruhi: *looks up and turns down music* Music
Twins: What kind of music?
Haruhi: *Pauses and slowly answers* Good kinds
Twins: *take of ear phones and listens, keeping the ear phones away from Haruhi who tries to get it back* Pop Love songs?
Haruhi: *blush/embarassmen* Yes... can I have my headphones back?
*twins ignore*
Hika or Karu: Maybe we should sing you a couple of love songs, would you be swooded by that?
*Tamaki over hears this and slowly walks over*
Haruhi: I guess *Mumbled and listens to music
Twins: *Look over to Tamaki with evil grin* Say Lord, would you be interested in playing a game?
Tamaki:*thinks about it and nods* Sure, what is this game?
Twins: It's called 'Impress Haruhi with singing and dancing skills' contest.
Kyoya: We could sweeten the deal and say winner gets to go on a date with Haruhi.
Haruhi: What?! Shouldn't you have to get me approval first?
Kyoya: I'll just you're debt by a half
*Haruhi silences and slinks down in her chair with a long sigh*
Tamaki: Alright, it's a deal.
Honey: I wanna play too! Mori-kun does too don't you?
Mori: *grunts*
Honey: See?
Twins: Of course. Have your routine done by tomorrow. And it starts, NOW *twins run off*
*Other run off as well*
Next day...
Haruhi: *Walks in reading a book*
Tamaki: Prepared to be whoed by my wonderful singing, my daughter. *Inner thoughts* I won't let those stupid twins win!
Haruhi: Sure...
Tamaki: *Makes her sit down* *does dance and sings HORRIBLELY*
Haruhi: *Cuts in the middle of song* That's wonderful Senpai, I don't need to hear more. *Covers ears*
Tamaki:*Slinks away, depressed*
Twins: Our turn Haruhi *perfect dance and song*
Haruhi: *cuts through half* Ok, whose next?
Twins: *Slink off to the corner with Tamaki*
Honey: Me now! Ready?
Haruhi: Yup, go ahead and start Honey-senpai
Honey: *Sings and dances like a little child*
Haruhi: *Ponders* well you were all good...
Honey: Not going to wait for Mori-kun? Mori still have to go
Haruhi: Oh? Ok.
Everyone (Except Mori and Haruhi): You're competeing too?
Mori: Yeah. *Starts*
*Sings wonderfully and dances enchantingly and ends with taking her hand and walking out with him.*
*Everyone is dumbfounded by this except for Honey...*
Honey: Let's go play!
*twins shrug and agree*
Kyoya: *works on figures*
Tamaki: *Cries to himself chanting Haruhi and falls to the ground*
My ouran group, tell me what you think and if you like the skit PLEASE
Plus I was thinking all we really need for the costumes are the jackets really, the rest is easy to get and cheap.
Talk to me, I need to know ideas
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Welcoming her to your door with open arms, Miss Misery wraps around you in a bitter heartless return...[/size:3edf725e6e][/color:3edf725e6e][/align:3edf725e6e]