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The Z-Files!
Zed for Something starting with Zed. I dunno. It sounded cool. Anyway. Things here that I want to save, rants, updates, etc. Yeah......
I was bored, so I went to zenhex.com and took a bunch of quizes.

Here are the ones that best describe me, I think...

"What Angel Are You?"
<br><b>Earth Angel</b><br>You are an earth angel. You are very playful, and sometimes slow to respond to things, but always have natures best intrests at heart. You like light, and earthy colors and are great fun. You are slow to anger, and although your anger can be intense, it is never loud like fire�s.

Take the quiz:"What animal are you"
<br><b>Mystical Creature</b><br>You are very peaceful but you are not sometimes...You should be very proud.
Am. ::nod::

Take the quiz: ;"what should your name be(girls only)"
<br><b>Lisa</b><br>your awesome as heck!!!
(Funny, probably my best friend is named Lisa...)

Take the quiz: "How truly depressed are you?"
<br><b>Kind of Depressed</b><br>

Take the quiz:"You're personality is....? ::accurate answers::"
<br><b>Content&of course Carefree</b><br>You are conten& of course carefree. You love to hang out casually with people, or just by yourself. You are great with kids and you just love to help. You're usually laid back. relaxed, and hardly ever angry because you find anger pointless. When you can, you take the time to help others whether willingly or if you are asked you do it without question. You are my kind of person.
Aww...I have a fan! biggrin

Take the quiz:"What Kind of Music Are You? :::pics:::"<br>
<br><b>Metal</b><br>You're about as hardcore as they come. Music is your passion and you listen to it for talent not because it's popular. You probably have a lot of respect for all artforms and you like classical piano. Slipknot definitely sucks in your eyes...and for good reason. Any band who takes the time to put on make-up and masks just isn't worth your respect.

Take the quiz:"How emo are you?"
<br><b>Holy s**t Your Emo</b><br>Holy crap you actually are emo! Congratulations on not being a poser.
Me? Poser? (Me? Emo?)

Take the quiz:"What Star Wars Character Are You?"
<br><b>Obi-Wan Kenobi</b><br>You are a level headed person who uses the Force to compliment your natural talent.

Take the quiz: "What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics)"
<br><b>Ultimate Elemental Dragon</b><br>
You are the true ultimate dragon. You have the powers of all the other elemental dragons. You control everything and have interests in every part. for example the fire dragon loves things to do with fire whereas you like fire, water, lightning etc etc. You are considered dragon royalty.

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