Life is relaxed. Well for the most part. I don't feel rushed anymore, but more calm. Which is great on my behalf. Though there is always a but.
BUT... the guy situation still remains, *sigh*
Tommy use to be in the equation but now, he doesn't remain. Now its between two guys, both I hardly know, and I'm crushing on. I told myself no guys this year, it only complicates life, and I always hurt them.
I don't know, one I have to wait for and it's proving to be something hard.
The other, I don't even know if he likes me *sigh*
Oh well, life is the same, which is grand in itself. Nothing is better then consistancy ^_^
So to anyone who reads, have a great day!
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Welcoming her to your door with open arms, Miss Misery wraps around you in a bitter heartless return...[/size:3edf725e6e][/color:3edf725e6e][/align:3edf725e6e]