Day Three: I had slept quite a bit this day, when I awoke, the sun was setting. I decided to eat something other than fish, change is good some days. It didn't take long for me to track down the rather large herd of deer that normally roam these lands. The dominant male was not as vigilant as he usually was most days...big mistake on his part. I quickly lept from tree to tree as quietly as I could so that they are not startled from their afternoon graze.I was finally close enough to one of the does when this one fawn caught my scent or perhaps heard me approaching. Either way, he alerted the entire head with its wild bucking in panic. The entire heard took off, thundering across the pasture. No way I'm going to lose my meal, I lept from the cover of the forest and engaged in pursuit. I can easily match thier speed so I was able to take my time in picking one I felt would be more...filling. I finally chose one of the slower males. I jumped onto his back and dug my claws into his large neck and began to grapple him into submission. I forced him into the ground using his antlers, the fall snapped his neck and we slid to a halt. Despite this attack, the heard will still return every day so I had no other worries. I dragged the buck back to the spot where I had been staying these past couple of days and proceeded to feast upon it. It was quite good. Nothing much of particular interest happened on this day.
Guardian LYNX · Sun Feb 24, 2008 @ 02:35am · 0 Comments |