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The life in a hyper, gay college student. ZOMG.
Just miscellaneous things about my day, I guess?
I love you.
((Important info at the bottom, for anyone who wants to skip over the mushy junk

"I'll cover you with a thousand sweet kisses."

I love you, Derek. More than you know, more than I could ever say. You were that one in a million, you know?

There are just too many things to say, and no way to express them. I'm typing this right now, as I'm sitting next to you. You're sleeping, or trying to, at least. It breaks my heart to have to have to see you like this, Derry.

And yet. I can't help but admire you. Everyone I know looks up to you in some way. You've always just been so strong about this whole thing, about harrassment and being with me and contracting AIDS...Like that time when you were on the bench in the park and got spit on by a bunch of ******** homophobes? Yeah, you just looked them in the eye and said that the world really didn't need people like them, flipped them off, and walked away. And there I was, ready to whoop the living s**t outta them...Eh.

And it's like, with the whole AIDS issue. I'd just break down if I were you, but you just kept going, Derek. Always had a smile on your face, ready to just live life to your fullest. Sure, you had your times when you got depressed, but you held up so well, it just amazed all of us.

Sometimes I would hear you crying in the shower 'cause you didn't want me to hear you. ._.; You know I'd comfort you and try to make you feel better right? You could always cry on me. But I know that sometimes, you felt burdened by it, and didn't want to put anyone else through that kind of suffering.

It's things like that that make you stand out. You were the nicest, most noble person I know. You always will be. Although sometimes I felt like hitting you, cause you neglected yourself, placing other people over you. xD <3

It's just like we had this connection. We were always teasing each other, but we could afford to, right? When we got together, a lot of people in the Dozen were falling in and out of love easily, or having relationship problems. But we could make fun of each without fear that the other would get mad, because we just trusted each other implicitly

My best friend, that's you. And what makes it even more great is that I could spend my whole life with you. I loved you so much, you have no idea. And with a lot of people our age, it was about one-night-stands and the sex, right? But I know it went deeper than that was us. Why else do you think I hung on for so long? If all I cared about was your body, I would've dropped you like a hot potato after you were tested for HIV.

God. I love you. Which is why I feel so selfish for wanting you here all to myself. Everyone else is telling me to let you go. Well, scratch that...Some people are telling me to let you go. xD; Your dad's really resigned, but your mom hasn't stopped crying since...a few months ago when you were first hospitalized. xD
And Will's being all stoic. It must be hard for him, since he was the one who donated you the kidney. Although I really don't know what he's feeling. The kid's an enigma, ey?

The Dozen's wavering about the whole issue. Believe it or not, Jay's a mess. Scary, huh? He's the last person you'd expect. Kyle's freaking out, I know he was your closest friend...He's the last one to be kicked out by the nurses. Jake and Goose are just kinda...there. They feel pretty uncomfortable with the whole deal, but they don't want to leave their bud behind.
Sherise and Kirsti actually got together again because of you, you know. Apparently Kirst got all upset when she heard about you and went blubbering to Sheri..Anyways, they're back again. I know you gotta be happy about that; they've always loved each other, they're just the jealous type.
Liz, Erie, and Ruu are all wicked upset. Becca feels like we need to let you go though. D:

And of course, my parents want me to let you go, so I can settle down with a nice pretty lady. xD; Eh. I know you guys haven't always been on the best of terms (Hell, I'm not always on the best of terms with them. >>; ) but at least they came to see you, no?


I love you, Derek. My Derek. I always will.

<Start Real Information Here>

Sorry about the longwinded rant, guys. ^^; Jimmy here. If you couldn't already tell.

Well. Starting a few weeks back, Derek's transplant went fine. His brother, Will, was a very close match, so they took the risk of the surgery. Heh, he was complaining cause he had to fast before getting the transplant, and he was starving. xD But yeah, it all went fine. He wasn't able to get on much after that, since he had to stay in the hospital for a few days, and then when he got home, all he wanted to do was "drug himself up on painkillers and be like Rumplestiltken, or whoever that guy who slept for 500 years was," in his words.

But it was after that when things got crazy. Remember when he had that chest pneumonia thing back in the winter, and how it was eating away at his lungs? Something like that is back. D= He's having a horrible time breathing. He's hooked up to so many machines right now, it's scary. He can barely breathe on his own, and his fever is almost 102.

Basically, the doctors say Derek's used up his last chance. They say that eventually, with the lack of oxygen that he can get on his own, coupled with his other problems, he might eventually slip into a coma. And if he does that, it's up to his family to decide whether or not to turn the respiratory machines. D: As it is, he can breathe on his own right now, but justtt barely. He's on a machine to make the flow of oxygen easier.

So the bottom line is, my Derry's gonna die soon. Which is why I wrote all that mushy stuff up at the top. It's just so hard. ;_;

And it's also hard to rehash it all out in here. But I know how much Derek loved this site and how many friends he had on it, so I feel like I have to. D= <3

Thanks so much for listening, guys.


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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 06:37am
cry I AM SOO SAD. <//3

PLease send him my love.. and please take care of yourself

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 06:41am
omg NOOOOOO *cries* tell him i miss him and i will always... i love him and i would still switch him body's if i could

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Kanshisha no Yume
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commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 06:49am
Wow . . . I've never met him, or even been terribly close to him, but I"m so sad that he's sick like this that I'm crying. I mean . . . it's just not fair that a good person like has to die for no reason. I wish that there was something I could do or say to make things better. I really just think that it's terrible . . . everything that's happened. But I admire him so much for going through with everything that he has. If it were me, I'd be so angry and just say screw it. I dunno. I want you to tell him that Yume loves him and wishes him the best and that he always has my prayers. And if you ever need anything, Jimmy, I'm here. I'm here for both of you always.

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 06:51am
Jimmy - thank you for filling us in. I know that this must have been really hard for you, but I appreciate it.
We all love Derek so much; he is such an amazing, friendly, kind, and wonderful person, and I hope to hell that those doctors are very wrong. It's not fair that he, and you and all of the people who love him, should have to deal with this.
Send him my love and good wishes, please. I wish you the best, as well.

Addition: If it's alright with you, Jimmy - could you keep us posted as to any major news? If you can't, I'll understand, but it would be much appreciated. You're both in my thoughts.

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commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 07:05am
Please take care! sad heart

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 07:13am
I wish that he'd just get better. Just Like that out of no where.... but I know thats not gunna happen. Cause "God" is so ******** up that he lets all the good ones die young.
I know I didnt know Derek much but he's extremely popular in all of gaia as a strong young guy who is just an amazing person.
Soo I guess all I can do is pray that he gets better.
We all love you, get better, and may luck and love be on your side.

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commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 07:21am
He has inspired me very much. It's people like him that let me know that there are good people in the world. I came from a very ******** up childhood (parents charged with neglect, brother sent to prison as an indirect result of his beating the s**t out of my sister and I every day after school for years.), but it's people like him that give me the knowledge that my own family (the one that I will make with my boyfriend) will not necessarily turn out this way. He has given me hope. I can only give back my hope that he is comfortable, and will remain so, whatever happens, so that his heart and body do not hurt more than is necessary, or deserved.

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 09:19am
People like Derek are the ones that really make a difference and an impact in the world. I just hope to be able to make that kind of impact in my life.

I'm trying not to think about what I just read too much, it is so beautiful and sad at the same time.

Jimmy, I also think you deserve some kudos, it takes a lot to write about the person you love when they are dying. Derek would be (is?) proud.

Kingdoms Heart
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commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 12:26pm
I'm seriously bawling right now.

We all love Derek, he's such a good person, and any homophobes that judged him shoud be the ones getting spat in the face. You have a lot of strength to write this out, it must be very, very hard for you.

I love him so much, and I'll miss him very much, he was friends with me regardless of a few things that I didn't want anyone else to know. I could trust Derek.
I'll tell my grandkids about how he was so kind, I'll miss him, I always will, and I love him, and I always will.

I realize that this is inevitable, and I certainly don't want it to happen, so I can imagine the pain you're going through.

Thank you, Jimmy. You're a good person, too.

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 12:36pm
I love you Derek!

I really hope some merical happens..........it might

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muted tsunami
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commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 03:55pm
Thanks for keeping us updateed Jimmy. You don't know how much it means to us. I doubt any of us want to let him go either, but there isn't much we can actually do. If you have the chance tell Derek that we love him and that we miss him. But still, no matter what happens, take care of yourself Jimmy. If you mean anything to Derek, you mean something to us. Thank you once again.

All my love,

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 04:17pm
Thats awsome.
And very Suprising I didn't kow what happened to you.

Wee... >_>
As that one person said below send him My Love...

S c e n t e d Zombies
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commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 04:23pm
Oh God. That's got to be so hard for you. Thanks for letting us know what's going on. I know there's not much chance, maybe even none, but I'll still be praying for a miracle.

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 04:54pm
It's not fair that bad things happen to such good people. crying cry

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commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 05:10pm
Oh my gosh. I'm still going to pray and hold out hope. I know it's perhaps childish, but I can't help it. He's made it so far, and he's so damn tough. I admire him more than I can say for fighting as hard as he has.

I'm crying like a huge baby, and I can't even imagine how you feel Jimmy. -hugsqueeze- I wish I could do more. <3333

You two have all my love and support.

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 06:21pm
Wow...like a lot of other people had said, I never really knew him personally, but I always admired him from afar for being to kind and honest.
I know my words won't do anything to help, but I just want to let you know that I really, truly, am wishing the best for you.

Metal Mouth
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Amber in Wonderland
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commentCommented on: Wed Jun 21, 2006 @ 09:43pm
We all love you, Derek.
And Jimmy, you are incredible for being so strong through all of this.
I'll be praying too.

commentCommented on: Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 04:45am
Send Derek all my love. He's a great guy. And as I sist here typing this I cry. I would switch places with him in a heart beat if I could. Both of you are in my prayers. And in the prayers of my church. If you ever need somebody to talk to Jimmy I am here. Contact me privatly and I'll give you my contact info. Wether you want to talk or just need to cry.

I Am Kirin Rosenbaum
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commentCommented on: Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 02:48pm
I'll be sending my prayers. Please take care. Both of you. I know it must really be hard.

commentCommented on: Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 04:18pm
You're a great guy Jimmy. Thank you so much for keeping all of us at Gaia informed.
I never really knew Derek as well as I wanted. I guess I'm just a little to shy than I should be. Please send him my regrets and love.

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Multi-colored Condom
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commentCommented on: Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 09:18pm
D: I wish he could magically get better..I'm so sorry.

commentCommented on: Fri Jun 23, 2006 @ 03:46am
Hey... I don't know you or anything but that really touched me(One of your friends posted about this; that's how I found it xp ).

I'm sorry... it must be so hard. These kind of things always seem to happen to the best of people. sad

I Am Rusty Shackleford
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[ Screechie Weasel ]
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commentCommented on: Sat Jun 24, 2006 @ 02:33am
You probably don't know me Jimmy, but Derek's told me a lot about you, when he was still on Gaia. I wish he were better. Whenever I listen to the song Wish your Were Here by Pink Floyd. I'll think fo you two. Next time you have a chance, tell him the Nuthouse loves him.

Peace out. Love, hugs, and kisses.
<3 xoxox <3 [Multiply that by infinity, I know how hard this must be for the both of you.]

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 28, 2006 @ 04:30pm
i'm sorry i never knew Derek ... And,painful to say,i'll never get to know him ;_;... Jimmy,your Words touched my heart,i'm crying,tears running down my face ... Why do Diseases have to break Lovers appart ? I heard about Derek by Latent Visibility/Simon ,to whom i talk in a thread... I'm so sorry for both of you... I'd love you to inform us wether Derry get's better or not ...I feel terrible... Stay strong guys,you know

"the greatest thing you'll ever learn,is just to love,and be loved in return"

And nothing can part that love,it will remain in your hearts for all the time...
Yours truly

E c l i p s e l y
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commentCommented on: Sat Jul 01, 2006 @ 04:41am
I don't know what to say.... Right now I'm about to cry reading this... Derek's gonna die in the not-so-distant future?!

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 28, 2009 @ 06:51am
I've never known him in the least bit and just reading this make me so sad. If he were alive there'd be alot to talk about. wow I can't say I miss him but yeah it does suck that it happened crying crying crying crying crying crying

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Lil hotiegirl2010
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commentCommented on: Tue Aug 11, 2009 @ 12:36pm
He dead crying crying crying crying i never knew him but i cry when i read his journal crying

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