So, where were we?
Oh yeah... L0L sweatdrop How have I been? Well... just peachy. stare whee
I've been sick all day... whee Sore throat and cramps and a killer headache. sweatdrop I can't believe that I slept all day... I just woke up at like 7:20 PM and the first thing I did was come on Gaia. I'm feeling better though. I actually ate something for dinner so that's good.
and... I think that's it really for what I did today.
Yesterday was good too. I finished all of my school homework by 5:00pm and then played around for like and hour. Then I got ready to go to church for our annual High School New Year's Party. Then at 10:30 PM we joined the adult service and had presentations and sang songs and stuff. We counted down to New Year's too, so it was cool. The fun part was when we were counting down from 10...9...8... (and so on) they turned off the lights. It was pitch black so we couldn't see anything at all. whee Then when we reached ...1...0!!! - they turned on these cool colored lights in the church so it looked all pretty and stuff. So yeah, it was a cool and fun way to start the year.
stare It could possibly have been less painful though if Daniel hadn't kept hitting me on my head when the lights went out.... Stupid... Messed up my hair.... But I still win cuz I tripped him when we were walking out of the chapel. whee Wait... But then again he started chasing me so.... ack! Whatever! xp I still win cuz I can run faster! xd W00T! - for longer legs~!!! whee
So, I win. 4laugh xp
heart ~*~ K17_K47_K175UN3 ~*~ heart
P.S. --> Happy <Late> New Year's EVEYONE~!!! heart sweatdrop
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~*~ K17_K47_K175UN3_CH4N'5 Random House~*~
Yeah, so I'm updating this too. This place is where I can rant, rave and say whatever the heck I want. Ah~ The sweet bliss. Well, feel free to drop in and read some of my insanities. There's always room to insert your own into the mosh-pit! XD
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Pikachu's Cuteness[/color:45088bcf00] is super effective!!