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~*~ K17_K47_K175UN3_CH4N'5 Random House~*~
Yeah, so I'm updating this too. This place is where I can rant, rave and say whatever the heck I want. Ah~ The sweet bliss. Well, feel free to drop in and read some of my insanities. There's always room to insert your own into the mosh-pit! XD
Less Than 100%
I'm not trying to get sympathy. I don't want pity either. I'm just saying... writing what I can never tell my mother it seems. It'll be nice if at least one person understands me after all this... Life - is not so good at this moment.

It's Sunday. Michelle came to my church today. I was happy. In all honesty, church was a side of my life that I had kept separate from my school friends for... since forever really. It was new and exciting for me to have them merge into one. I love Michelle for that. She's the first one that I've tried to really bring into my life as much as I have. Not even Amanda has reached this point. She "grew up" too fast...

But... that's ok. Yet, in once sense, I feel kinda sorry for Michelle. She's being the scapegoat for both of us. And I'm more sorry cuz she doesn't really know that she's being used as one. Being who she is and knowing that she doesn't understand everything as yet... All I can say is that I'm sorry.

Like I said. Today's Sunday. And Michelle came. It was cool. The sermon was different from the usual ones, but it was a good one. It was spurned from our church going through its preparations for summer mission trips this year - challenging us to truly accept Christ and all that. It was a really good feeling to have Michelle sit there beside me and listen and understand (I hope) to what was being said and all the meanings behind it. I was happy and proud.

Afterwards, and I had completely forgotten about it (really, they only told us a bit of it last, last Friday, so no wonder I forgot). But there was something called "Club Appreciation Day" today, where we were cleaning up the La Habra Boys and Girls Club that we borrow every Sunday for our worship. It's cuz our church is moving and need temporary places to hold our services. But anyways, people were busy and we couldn't get a ride to our actual church until later.

We got there. Went to one of the buildings to get "some" food. Then Michelle and I tried to find rides home. But it seemed that everyone was either busy or had left already. So we went to my dad and he called mom to come and pick us up.

And that's when hell pretty much started.

She started yelling pretty much as soon as she pulled up. It really is grating on one's nerves to see her greet other people in the same area with a smiling, happy face - then turn to me and give me a cold glare. And the thing is... I didn't do anything wrong. If you call forgetting a crime and sin - then sure I would have been at fault. But forgetting isn't. It just happens and there's nothing you can really do about it.

But obviously, my mother thinks different. Really, I try so very hard to understand her... and yet, I never really can. I guess that's what happens when you live in an Asian family, and yet have some American mentality. It's not that I can't see where she's coming from... It's just frustrating that she believes herself to be correct all the time when she isn't.

Anyways, the point was that she was pissed cuz she's just gotten home when my dad called her to come and pick me and Michelle up from church. She was complaining that she didn't even get to sit down for a minute before having to come. And right then and there, she looks at me and demands to know how royally I've screwed up again.

Bull s**t.

(God will forgive me for saying that. He understands. I hope and pray...)

Well, I would've bothered to tell her what was going on and why we ended up calling her... but she closed up like a volt and refused to even look at me. So I decided to let it slide. Then... she turns in the opposite direction and starts going towards Michelle's house.

Now, here was the plan that Michelle and I had come up with. Because my mother doesn't like taking people anywhere the plan was for someone (who ended up being mother) to take us home so that Michelle could call her mom and come pick her up. And while she was there, I was planning personally to explain to her mom about what happened today and to apologize for making her come all the way down to my house.

But no~ MOTHER - bickering and pissing - curtly tells me that she's going to drop Michelle home cuz she knew that I was going to ask. Ok... I didn't ask. I didn't even think it. She just assumed. And I don't like it when she assumes that I'll do things just for the sake of screwing up. I mean, what does she think I am?

Well, at this point, Michelle is wholy and completely lost. (Hence, the scapegoat part. She doesn't know that she's kinda the source of it.) Poor girl. But we drive over and drop her off. (With me telling her I'll explain things later.)

Now, on the drive back home - hell happens.

As soon as I get in the car, she starts fuming. She demands to know why I screw around with her so much. She demands to know if I do it for fun. If I enjoy seeing her get mad.

Like Hell enjoys seeing her mad.

I don't do these things on purpose. Honestly, who - even in hell - makes mistakes on purpose. No one. That's precisely why they're called "mistakes". Cuz we don't plan on making them, and yet they happen - hence us screwing up. It's just being human. It's just life.

But obviously she thinks she above such things. She instantly assumes that I did something horribly wrong - and get this - that Michelle was the cause of it. Sorry girl, but it's true. Mother thinks you're the root of all the evil in my life. The same she thinks of all my friends. I want to smack her.

*Sigh* It's too much. You know... I'm so used to my mother thinking bad of me that I just don't really care much anymore. I just let her say whatever she wants, then let it slide over me.

But. I. Do. Not. Like. It. When. She. Says. s**t. About. My. Friends.

Ok, ok. So she's a mother. All mother's have this inate right to judge their children's friends. Yes, I accept that - to a point. But it's fricking wrong to think evily of all people and assume that the entire human race is at fault except for you. Now, that's just being selfish and short-minded.

*sigh* I'm not perfect either. Hell, if I'm not perfect. I'm human too. But I'm a hell of a lot more perfect than a lot more people and even my mother. Yes, I know some people might say that now I'm just being disrespectful to my mother and all that - but frankly, from all that I know of my mother and how she thinks - it's true.

She assumes things. Lots of things. She believes that she's always right. She believes that she knows all. She believes that whatever she says is final.

And it's not.

*rubs eyes* It's so... frustrating. She's like a child. A child so corrupted that no matter how much you try to explain to her, she just doesn't get it. Or she refuses to cuz it'll scrape her pride.

She thinks that I'm becoming more and more "evil" because of Michelle and other friends. I'm not. If anything, I haven't been more true to myself upon meeting them. I'm not afraid to say what I think and what I belive in. I'm accepted for who I am and love for it. That's something that's I've always longed for (and recieved to from Sonya first) and got.

But she doesn't think so.

She thinks that for me to be me - I have to follow all of her rules. Which is basically have no life and be her personal slave. Well, that's not how it works. I'm not 100% Asian...

On the ride home, I told her so. I told her how I hated it when she simply assumed that I was always doing something wrong. I told her how dissapointed I was in her for thinking that I'm not trustworthy. I told her how much I despised how lowly she thought of the friends I love. And I told her how much it embarasses me to have her for a mother - especially one who cannot belive in her own daughter.

And she coudn't say anything to that.

We got home, I got out of the car and went into my room.

And I'm not saying sorry. Cuz there's nothing to be sorry for.

Asian culture would say that I still have to go and apologize. Cuz you back-talked to your parent. American culture would say forget it - it's freedom of speech.

I say... I feel pity.


heart ~*~ K17_K47_K175UN3 ~*~ heart

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Mar 06, 2005 @ 11:44pm
awwwwww crying crying crying ::tackles her to floor:: i sowrry!!!~ : cry : ::huggles her to death and back::

i love you Kitsune and i dun think (hahahah wink ) im the root of all evil... (shhhhh ninja ) and you know what...your mom can just shove it...i just hope i move out of this apartment soon so i can steal you away crying ::huggles her::

anyways...again lady i luffs you to death and you know that im always here if you need me 3nodding heart and ill give you a big huggle when i see you monday...well cuz i hate you (my mom read this and she completely understands if you ever need to escape to someplace just come on over) wink heart luffs you lady!!!~ crying gonk heart heart 3nodding heart whee heart wink heart gonk heart heart

commentCommented on: Sun Mar 06, 2005 @ 11:48pm
eek wow... so many heart s... luff overload~!!! whee

LOL. thanks lady. i know. and yes, you'd told me this before. so if i need to escape (which i'm too nice to do to my parents anyways) i'll go to you place. and i know you loves me too. 3nodding

see ya on monday for that extra-special-neko-huggle~!!! 4laugh heart

((P.S> tell your mama thankies too. 3nodding heart and that i loves her!! heart ))

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Shugo the Fox
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commentCommented on: Mon Mar 07, 2005 @ 05:02am
No matter what, you'll always have your friends, Kitsune! People who care about you, and know how wonderful of a person you are! We're always here for you when you're down! 3nodding

commentCommented on: Mon Mar 07, 2005 @ 06:03am
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
total feels left out and out of place just because she grew up without even knowing it... feels kind of like what happened to nathan when he stopped coming to school... feels bad because she doesn't come to school often, but has been putting in more effort to come more often, but notices that grace hasn't cared... tries to be around on the threads, but boys are shunning me.

grace you don't know how much of what you wrote was just like what i went through last year. it's all the same, having so much work to do and feeling like there's never enough time to do it (feels like nap time every moment cept at school),wanting to spend more time with friends but not having enough time or money or they are inaccessible (yessh you heard me) being blamed for things, needing to have more responsibility, hearing my friends claimed as the spawns of stain... and the square root of money..., and sometimes just wishing that i could cry in my best friend's arms even though i didn't even tell them i was sad. It always hurt me to feel that i couldn't really tell people that something was wrong, but i knew that the more i kept it inside the stronger i would become because of it, so that i would be able to help my friends when they needed me, truth is, i can't because now that i am strong enough, my friends either would rather do things on their own, or have forgotten that i can help them at all (they feel detached and they can't really do much more than they are)((Breaks post into two parts cause gaia only allows 2000 letter comments)) ((2000 letters my a**!))

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commentCommented on: Mon Mar 07, 2005 @ 06:32am
((other half))
i know that sometimes we all feel like we just wandered into so random place alone, regardless of the fact that we know we have friends to back us up, we still feel utterly alone and lost. we all have those feeling, we just aren't bare enough to say it out loud for fear it may become something worse. ?at least? I know that?s happened? to me?

i know that you feel i'm so far away, and you don't get to see me everyday like you use to, and you feel like i'm slowly leaving you... but i'm not, i'm still here and i miss you, and you don't even know it, and i'm crying right now, because i can't hug you and tell you how much I LOVE you, and how much I CARE about you, and how much I WANT just to be with you and just be by your side, and have fun with you, and even days after i write this, you will still feel sad that i can't be with you more than i am...

but i will wait ...and keep trying more, until we can all move in and be a HAPPY FAMILY, at long last.

heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart

commentCommented on: Wed Mar 09, 2005 @ 01:02am
Wow lady, that is terribly bad. I know how it feels, almost. Look at the semi bright side. At least she didnt kick you out at the age of 15 two weeks before you turned 16. 3nodding

*sends telepathic evil glares at his mother* I dont consider her a mother no more, she is just the one that spat me out and made life hell. stare But hey, if you need like, one of those shoulder things to lay on and like, gripe about how much she is stupid. . .mine is open. . .ish.

Wandering Samurai Zack
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commentCommented on: Sat Mar 12, 2005 @ 02:51pm
Heh.... i'd say i understand this pretty well.... you see 90% of my friends are asain....95% of the asains are Korean, and i have to say that I have been in Michelle's position about 4 times in the last 3 years. It's scary to see them fight like that. Also I know how strict they can be.....VERY.... it makes me mad sometimes when I call my friend and ask him to come over and he tells me, "my mom doesnt think you are smart enough and thinks you are affecting my studies." Also, a few of my friends parents are quite racist and well I dont go over there very much.

Anyways I feel for you snd honestly hve only seen one friend escape his parents wrath..... but he is rarely home, dose lotsa drugs and achahol, steals alot and all that. So my only advice is to bear it crying gonk and it sounds mean but i dont mean it that way....

commentCommented on: Sun Mar 13, 2005 @ 03:37am
I know Fuji. 3nodding thanks heart *hugs you* *and everyone else* whee

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