• Screwed

    You drew the lines on my body
    You scarred me for life with your fingers
    Your touch makes me shiver at night,
    even though your not even here

    The thought makes me angry
    I want to hurt you
    I want to draw lines on your body
    I want to scar you for life

    The lines open up
    Their gasping for air
    And I let them breath
    Every night your not their,
    to sew them up again

    Take me away
    Take me away to where you are
    Sew me up with a thousand stitches
    If I need a million I don’t mind

    Sew me up
    Hold me tight
    Stop the bleeding for ever
    Draw more lines
    Cover me with your fingers
    Sew my heart up to your sleeve
    Take me everywhere I promise I wont leave

    You’re the needle and the dread
    You’re the poison that brings me death
    You’re the angel that holds me up
    You’re the demon that ******** me up
    You mess with my mind
    You play with my heart

    And all I ask you is to fix the broken part
    Fix me with your fingers
    Draw lines made of my blood
    I don’t care what you want to do
    But I beg you fix me up

    Stop the bleeding
    Start the healing

    Fix my heart
    Sew me up

    f**k off !